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Create a unit crashes the game

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Level 7
May 11, 2010
So i have this trigger that causes the game to crash.
  • Grimm Trained
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Reaper
    • Actions
      • Set player_var = (Owner of (Triggering unit))
      • Set location = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Wait 0.01 seconds
      • Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
      • Unit - Create 1 Altar of the Reaper for player_var at location facing Default building facing degrees
      • Player - Disable Spell Book (Grimm (Deadly Calm)) for player_var
I've located the function that causes the crash:
  • Unit - Create 1 Altar of the Reaper for player_var at location facing Default building facing degrees
Now my question is: Why does this function cause a crash and how do i fix it?

EDIT: I tried placing the building (Altar of the Reaper) in the map and starting it. This caused the game to crash during the loading screen. Wat.
Level 7
May 11, 2010
Basically, i have a building (Altar) that trains heroes. when a hero is trained, the Altar is replaced with an altar specific to the trained hero, because of reasons.
The time function... i have no idea why i put that there. Removed it.

But the model i used is one of the standard WC3 models, Altar of Darkness. Shouldn't it work?
Tried changing the model to Altar of Kings, wich I'm using on other buildings without issues, still crashes.
Level 7
May 11, 2010
So I did some more testing, and it seems a research avaliable from the building was causing the crash. When i remove the research, it works. I was thinking that the custom icon i used caused it, but i tried changing the icon to Absorb Mana, still crashes.



  • crash research.jpg
    crash research.jpg
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