Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2011/Dec/31 17:37:28
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: This may have the most shallow terrain that I have ever seen, but it has AI players, although they don't seem to be casting any spells and the gameplay is pretty simple, but it works.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Date: 2011/Dec/31 17:37:28
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: This may have the most shallow terrain that I have ever seen, but it has AI players, although they don't seem to be casting any spells and the gameplay is pretty simple, but it works.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules