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Cops & Robbers AI 1.05

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Reactions: Zack1996 and Vicboy

New Modes available in Version 1.05:
-am : Assasinate Mode - Assasinate the enemy's commander to win the game
-ctf : Capture The Flag Mode - Capture all the 6 flags (3 in the enemy base and 3 in your base) to win the game
-ha : Hero Arena Mode - The team who killed the most enemy heroes in 20 minutes time will win the game
-hm : Hostage Mode - Rescue your hostage from the enemy base and then return her to your base to win the game
-nr : No Revive Mode - You will lost the game once your hero is dead
-pm : Push Mode - To win the game, you need to bomb the enemy base by pushing 2 Energy Bombs towards it
-qm : Quick Mode - Time of day run faster, armor of creeps and structures are reduced, all heroes gain extra experience, gold and lumbers in every 20 seconds and per kill
-ra : Repick Anytime Mode - You can repick a new hero at anytime. When you repick a new hero, the items carried by your current hero will be dropped
-Normal Mode : To win the game, firstly, you have to enter the circle of power located at enemy base. By doing so, you can disable the shield of the enemy's main building and also open the central gate which connects both base together. Then, destroy the enemy's main building. Finally, kill all enemy heroes to win the game.

Some features of this map:
- Your base and enemy base are just beside each other. There are 4 roads that linked these 2 bases together (3 main roads + shortcut: the gate between these 2 bases). To open the gate, your hero has to enter the circle of power located at enemy base.
- Most of the units / buildings inside your base are shops. Those shops will become vulnerable when one of the towers in your base was destroyed.
- Some items can be found from neutral creeps after killing them or at casino (Gamble for luck) or at Supply Aircrafts (birds in the sky) and most of these items cannot be found in any other shops. If you are lucky, you can purchase items at battlefield too.
- There are 3 hidden merchants inside jungle who sell some rare but powerful items.
- Kill the Neutral Creep GOD (Like Roshan, has the ability to teleport himself automatically when attacked) to earn extra gold, lumbers and special items.
- In Normal Mode, when your Command Center / Dark Portal was destroyed, the abandoned heroes inside your base will be revived to protect your base.
- Traitor (Anyone who killed ally heroes) will lose all gold, lumbers and items.
- You may hire some neutral creeps at Hidden Waygates.
- You can hire workers to repair your ally towers. Of course it will be disabled in some modes.
- Abandoned Gold Mine (located at South West) generate extra 40 gold per 20 seconds (80 gold in Quick Mode) for each player in the controlling team. Destroy this building to gain control.
- You can control the Neutral Tower (located at North East, high attack damage) by stepping onto the circle of power nearby. You will lose control of it if you leave the circle.
- When your hero is dead, click Command Center / Dark Portal for instant reviving.
- There are a lot of shortcuts and hiding places in the jungle, be sure to check them out. You can change the destination of waygates too (located at each corner of the map) by stepping onto the circle of powers nearby.
- Some hero abilities can cast on ally towers, which makes them stronger.

Type of Special Shops / Merchants:
- Bank / Black Market: Allows you to store your gold. By doing so, you can earn interest and protect your gold. Of course the enemy can invade this building and steal your gold too.
- Loser Helper: Provides help for losers. If you always getting killed, you can buy some powerful items from this shop. For example: Loser Gun, a powerful gun with a bullet that can deal damage to enemy. The damage = Your total number of deaths x 100.
- Death Merchant: Sells the Death Spells which will be auto casted when you are dead. For example: If you purchased Death Immolation, your body will automatically burnt and damage enemies nearby when you were killed. There are about 11 types of death spells, but you can only purchase 1 at a time.
- Counter Spell Shop: Sells items that can counter some hero spells. For example: Item Guardian - When carried, can protect your items and prevent them from being stolen by Items Collector. The disadvantage is that you will get damaged by that hero when it casts "Steal Item" on you.
- Olymzeus Spell Shop: Sells the Ultimate Spells for hero of Level 20. You can only purchase 1 type at a time. For example: Bag of Gold spell - Put your gold coins into a huge bag and throw it towards an enemy hero to deal damage to it. damage = amount of gold x 2
- Transformer Merchant: Sells items that can be clicked to transform to another kind of item and therefore change the original item abilities. For example: Transformer Sword - gives 50 bonus to damage. Can be transformed to Transformer Shield - gives 25 armor.
- Shops Summoner: Allows you to summon merchants / shops at battlefield so that you can buy those items immediately.
- Items Manipulator: Sells items that can be used to manipulate enemy's items. For example: Item Dropper - Drops all the items carried by an enemy hero.
- Anti Creep GOD: Sells items that can be used to counter the Neutral Creep GOD. For example: Creep GOD Detector - Shows you the location of the Neutral Creep GOD

Commands: (For Creeps)
-nc : Normal Creeps - The creeps (non hero units of Police & Thief) spawned from now onwards will not have any abilities (Default)
-ic : Intelligent Creeps - The creeps spawned from now onwards will have their own abilities
-sc : Super Creeps - The creeps spawned from now onwards will become very strong

-cp3 : 3 Creeps spawned per Path (Default)
-cp4 : 4 Creeps spawned per Path
-cp5 : 5 Creeps spawned per Path

-ol : Only Left lane
-dl : Disable Left lane
-om : Only Mid lane
-dm : Disable Mid lane
-or : Only Right lane
-dr : Disable Right lane
-al : All Lanes (Default)

Other Commands:
-ah : Any Hero - You can choose any hero to play
-oh : Own Hero - You can only choose hero from your own base to play (Default)
-eh : Enemy Hero - You can only choose hero from enemy base to play

-eob : Enable Olymzeus Blink - Every hero has this ability
-dob : Disable Olymzeus Blink - Remove this ability from all heroes (Default)

-ed : Enable Natural Disaster - Arrive in every 2 mins, damage everything in a random map area (600 AOE)
-dd : Disable Natural Disaster (Default)

-dt : Display the Tomes Merchant (Sells Tome of Agility, Intelligence & Strength)
-ht : Hide the Tomes Merchant (Default)

-epm : Enable Patrol Merchants - Happy Feet, Jungle Boy & Stag Merchant start patrolling
-dpm : Disable Patrol Merchants - Happy Feet, Jungle Boy & Stag Merchant stop patrolling (Default)

-dnc : Disable Neutral Creepspawn - Remove all neutral creeps & disable their spawning
-enc : Enable Neutral Creepspawn - Enable the spawning of neutral creeps (Default)

-dff : Disable Friendly Fire
-eff : Enable Friendly Fire (Default)

-dtr : Disable Tower Replacement - if an enemy tower was destroyed, no tower will be constructed on that spot anymore
-etr : Enable Tower Replacement - if an enemy tower (Flame / Heat / Water / Cool) was destroyed, a friendly tower will be constructed immediately on that spot (Default)

-l+ : Increase all heroes' levels by 1
-l : Increase all heroes' levels by 5
-lm : Increase all heroes' levels to maximum

In the year of 3088, it has been 400 years since the Earth destruction.. Human live in this planet called "Olymzeus" together with the native ancient "aliens" of this planet. This world is already in peace mode for decades now after the Olymzeus World War - the war among races which lasts for few centuries.

Now, each race lives happily in this lovely planet and their cultures began to merge. Therefore, there is no need for the world government to setup armies in this planet anymore. Everyone start to do business and develop this planet in a good manner.

However, the economy does not go well for years, some people gone rich but some became poor and jobless. A group of gangsters, who do not want to be ruled by the Olymzeus world government, have some bad plans in their minds. They started to steal, rob and used those resources to develop their own "gang"...

Some bad guys, mainly the Orc race, think that this "gang" has potential to rule the world. Sooner and sooner, those people joined this "gang". They are not physically strong but most of them are super genius that can develop high tech skills to steal anything from anyone who they think is powerful in some aspects. After they steal those resources, they use it wisely to enhance their "gang". This "gang" grows stronger and stronger, they renamed this gang as The Evil Thieves Alliance and it became a huge security threat to the government.

However, The Police of Justice, the Interpol of Olymzeus world government, became weaker because some of their most powerful weapons have been stolen by the thieves. Some corrupted police even been bribed by the thieves and work for their side. If it goes on like this, sooner the world will be ruled by the thieves.

Luckily, the government scientists developed a way to bring back the ancient powerful super heroes into this world to assist The Police of Justice in catching or killing all those thieves and betrayers...

So the battle begins... On one end stands the Powerful Justice force - The Police of Justice, on the other end stands Evil Thieves Alliance that can steal anything to strengthen their army... Who will PREVAIL??

Other download point for this map:

Change logs for 19 Dec:
- Fixed the bugs of Gold Divider and Bank Interest System
- Edited the attributes of the Energy Bombs in Push Mode
- Disable inventory for Energy Bombs
- Only heroes can capture Energy Bombs now
- Added commands to unstuck the Energy Bombs
- Enable neutral creeps to attack the Energy Bombs

Cops, Robbers, Police, Thief, AoS, AI, JBL, Zach Kirov, dota, hero defense

Cops & Robbers AI 1.05 (Map)

01:14, 23rd May 2015 StoPCampinGn00b:
Level 3
Sep 27, 2006
According to your maps storyline...
• Earth is destroyed, humanity moves to an ice planet called Olymzeus (Olympus + Zeus)
• Alien gangs form, which steal weapons from the peaceful government.
• Scientists revive Spiderman to save them? wtf?

I don't really get it, nor the minimap image of a half naked girl with a giant gryphon...

You really should rename the map/fix the minimap image to make sense with the rest of your map.
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Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
According to your maps storyline...
• Earth is destroyed, humanity moves to an ice planet called Olymzeus (Olympus + Zeus)
• Alien gangs form, which steal weapons from the peaceful government.
• Scientists revive Spiderman to save them? wtf?
What's wrong with that? wtf

I don't really get it, nor the minimap image of a half naked girl with a giant gryphon...
It represents the allies of humanity and aliens.

You really should rename the map/fix the minimap image to make sense with the rest of your map.
Since you said that its not good, why don't you give some suggestions?

Besides that, I have listed out so many things related to this map, how come you don't even have any comments on those parts? wtf!
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
For me, i think the minimap screen is cool.. no problem with that at all..
i hate those people who rates a map base on the surface without even find a chance to play it.
Level 3
Sep 27, 2006
1: The storylines not wrong, just kinda cheesy.
2: I couldn't find any grypthons in the map, nor blonde girls in bikinis. (I found a faerie dragon though)

But I did play the map, custom spells and awesome items everywhere, favorite hero so far is the grenadier. AI pwnt' me though because I skipped learning the item combos >.>
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
If you don't even play the map, then clear off your rating! Rate a map based on grammar and story only? it sounds so stupid and childish.
I don't care what feedback (good/bad) you post, just to make sure that pls post constructive criticism instead of "poor grammar, bad story" etc
Level 2
Nov 5, 2008
Subject: Cops & Robbers AI Version 1.05

[+] Fun Factor/Gameplay: Very Fun. May be a AoS map, but it is rather fun and provides excellent replay time.

[+] Bugs: No bugs that I could find. Very well made.

[-] Spelling and Grammar: This may be the only bad point of the map. Needless to say, Spelling and Grammar in this map is atrocious.

[+] Terrain: Terrain is pretty well made, but not exactly top tier, or a Shang-Ri-La either.

[+/-] Originality: Story is rather original, but the AoS factor of it is not very original. Your story's originality makes up for your DoTA-likeliness.

[+] Balance: Very well balanced, no imbalances between the two teams. Well done.

[+] Machine/Net Friendly: Both Machine and Net Friendly. No lag, (or very little of it) is present.

Overall, a rather good map, looking over the grammar and story. Very well made though, the best AI script I've seen since Footman AI.
Average: 76.85%
Score: Recommended
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
For me, I think the grammar is ok, not a big deal
the most important is the game play, which is above excellent level!
this map rocks!
booh to those lamers who don't dare to try this map
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
Saying that people aren't justified to rate your map before they play it, isn't true.
If Blizzard put a picture of a naked guy on the WarCraft 3 box and all the text on it was hard to understand, then their sales of WC3 would have dropped a lot. This may seem like a stupid example, but presentation does count.
Now when I see your loading screen, I would taskkill Wc3 while its loading. Also when I read a map's description or name and what's written in there, and I find it idiotic, then I do not try it.
If someone couldn't be bothered to show a little presentation for their map, then I deem it unfit to play. Plus, you somehow seem very defensive of people who give you criticism that isn't positive.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
If Blizzard put a picture of a naked guy on the WarCraft 3 box and all the text on it was hard to understand, then their sales of WC3 would have dropped a lot. This may seem like a stupid example, but presentation does count.
Do you know Red Alert 3? Have you seen their loading screen? Why don't you try to post such kind of comment to Red Alert 3 creator and see what is their response?

Plus, you somehow seem very defensive of people who give you criticism that isn't positive.
You are wrong, looked at what Zack1996 wrote, he criticized a lot on this map, most of them are negative too. That is called constructive criticism, which will help a lot in improving the map, not like the people who posted lame and childish comments!
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
So, if Red Alert 3 jumps of a cliff, do you jump too?
Just cause some other games also have bad design or presentation ideas does not justify one's acts. Also, I am giving criticism, I am criticizing that I, and a lot of other players will be avoiding trying a map presented like this, no matter how good it is, it's a simple fact.
Furthermore, how are my comments childish? It just seems to me that you don't want to agree, that the loading screen and description of the map aren't very professional. But hey, that's just my opinion, and I can tell you I am not the only person who'd think so.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
I used red alert 3 as an example to prove to you that the presentation does not affects the number of players who played the game. Not only red alert 3 does that, popular game like need for speed and many more also did like that and so far I never heard of anyone complaining about that too.

It just seems to me that you don't want to agree, that the loading screen and description of the map aren't very professional
then why don't you give some of your "professional ideas" for the loading screen / desc of this map?
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
make a loading screen that actually has something to do with cops and robbers

or do i take it that when u design the cover for a dictionary you put little puppies all over the cover, just cause you like them?

Of course, that's stupid and why would anyone use a loading screen that actually has something to do with their product/game? Pah, who'd do such a thing.
Level 3
Jun 14, 2007
Do you re-upload this map every single day or something? It's always on the first page in the map upload order. Is each one a different version or the same map? Because if it's the same, you shouldn't be doing this. The map itself is fine.

Edit: It has been about a week now, and you still keep uploading 1.05. Does anything actually change?
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Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
Does it ever strike you that there are too many modes or commands?
If you are new, you can just play normal mode without any commands at all.
It is not necessary for you to type or try all of these. For players who gets bored of the normal game mode, they can try those new modes and commands. Thats all.

Edit: It has been about a week now, and you still keep uploading 1.05. Does anything actually change?

Yea, wtf, why do you keep uploading the map without changing the version?
I did make changes, I solved some of the minor bugs.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
I works on this map everyday when i am free, whats wrong with updating the map everyday? I am not the only one who update the map frequently.
If the content of the map is totally same with previous, then it wont appear on the first page anymore.
Those are minor bugs so i wont put it as a new version. The normal mode works fine and the bugs I fixed won't affect most players but just the advance players. I am still working on the new version 1.06 by adding more items and heroes.
Level 3
Jun 14, 2007
Yeah, if you have to upload new versions every single day, then there's definitely something wrong. Plenty of people work on their maps each day, but that doesn't mean they have to upload their maps every time they change something.

Gave it a 3/5. Just stop uploading the map so often and I may bump it to a 4. As I said earlier, the map itself is not bad. The primary thing I dislike about it is that most of the heros' abilities are non-custom or do not synergize with each other. Second, the grammar on most of the tooltips is somewhat awkward (as other people have pointed out).
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
Gave it a 3/5
Ok, thanks for your rating.

Just stop uploading the map so often and I may bump it to a 4
Wow, rate a map like this? That is a stupid reason.

The primary thing I dislike about it is that most of the heros' abilities are non-custom
Wow, this is the first time I received such kind of comment, have you actually tried out most of the heroes? Actually most of the abilities are created using triggers (more than 75% of total hero abilities) Of course they synergize with each other, if you know how to use them.

Second, the grammar on most of the tooltips is somewhat awkward (as other people have pointed out)
Yeah, I know. I am working on that too. And btw your grammar is awkward too.
Level 3
Jun 14, 2007
Considering that you upload the map nearly every day to have the map stay on the front page, a poorly veiled attempt at getting more downloads, I can't see why this map deserves more than a 3 if you have to upload it so often.

I didn't say all; some heroes seem like their abilities were randomly thrown together, and the first hero I used, the one with the Firelord model, had all non-trigger abilities. The Silent Assassin has 3/4 non-trigger abilities, Spiderman has 3/4, and so on. Hardly seems like 75% custom.

Oh noes, you attacked my internet grammar, which exactly reflects the way I use it daily... I was just saying that the map's grammar is somewhat lacking. Didn't mention anything about your grammar.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
Considering that you upload the map nearly every day to have the map stay on the front page, a poorly veiled attempt at getting more downloads
I don't think there is anything wrong with that. As I said, I fixed some minor bugs in the other game modes. If you don't agree, don't download it then. Just play the older version.

I didn't say all; some heroes seem like their abilities were randomly thrown together, and the first hero I used, the one with the Firelord model, had all non-trigger abilities. The Silent Assassin has 3/4 non-trigger abilities, Spiderman has 3/4, and so on. Hardly seems like 75% custom.
Some of the heroes have more non-triggered abilities (because I don't think they need more triggered abilities since some of those non triggered abilities suits them), and some of them have all triggered abilities. And you are giving the examples of those heroes who have more non-triggered abilities. Silent Assassin should be 2/4. Have you tried Grenadier, Bomber King, Camera Man, Hell Girl, Mega Man, Equalizer, Traffic Police? Or have you tried the thieves heroes? Almost all of the thieves' abilities are triggered.