- Joined
- Sep 26, 2008
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- 140
I have a problem because when he ship arrived in region of enemy he create the units and they attack who is attacked and after he die the units return where units before maked...why? example: O is ship (-) is where ship move x is unit maked (l) defensive enemy units
O-------X <-l after X kill l; X return where he maked before.
This is my simple trigger
O-------X <-l after X kill l; X return where he maked before.
This is my simple trigger
download pirates
Unit - A unit enters Region 008 <gen>
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Transport Ship
Unit - Create Pirate Assault 3 for Player 8 (Rosa) at (Center of Region 007 <gen>) facing default orientation of the buildings degrees
Unit - Create 1 for player Pirate Sniper 8 (Rosa) at (Center of Region 007 <gen>) facing default orientation of the buildings degrees
Wait 4.00 seconds
Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Attack Statue 0179 <gen>