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Command -&- Conquer: Alpine Assault

This is the nearly-completed version of the FFA map Command -&- Conquer: Alpine Assault. It is based off of the 1995 RTS hit, C&C, and features all of the original game's units, structures, and resources.
Included features:
Custom models and textures
Original sound effects
Innovative build system
A real Real Time Strategy approach to gaming
Enjoy! -zt2211

Command -&- Conquer: Alpine Assault (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...




Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Rules Violation
Map that violates the rules of hiveworkshop could be rejected.

Below are the list of violation that could had possibly occur.

1) Map protected and never mention at detail/description/information (Map that cannot be open by ordinary World Editor must had the statement of it being protected)
2) "Just another warcraft III map" title are not allowed even if it is written at other language.
3) Blank map with nothing on it.
4) Maps with offensive map previews or profanity in the name or description.
5) Maps that are written in languages other than English without English as alternate language.
6) Map that had been approve, but deleted and re-upload to had better rating.
7) Incomplete maps/alpha stage level map are not acceptable. (Must at least be at least at late beta stage)
8) Maps that serve no real gaming function such as special effects and trigger test maps.
9) Stolen/Hack/De-protect map.
10) Maps that do not use standard keyboard characters
11) Constantly upload the same map (Different version are not acceptable as well, you should had use the update button instead.)

Other than this violation, the map could had possibly rejected under other circumstances as well.
If you fail to follow this important rule, moderators will PM you again and all future versions of your map will not be approved until you do. If any user fails to reply in some way to the PM, more serious punishments may be brought upon them at the discretion of our moderators or administrators.
Positive Review
The bottom review is the list of positive stuff about this map. Positive review usually not only about how good the map is, but also if it follow the rules of thehiveworkshop.

[√] - You gives credit to the original author and for those who help you at quest log.
[√] - Quest log had all necessary information and detail.
[√] - Unit and structure information are well given.
Neutral Review
The bottom review is the list of suggestion/comment and opinion about the map. It usually contain an useful hint for the map author if the map author try to earn more merit point for their map.

[√] - The size of the infantry is rather small, try to make it bigger. The small size eventually cause the infantry harder to be select.
[√] - Remove the weather effect. If this map play by more than 3 player, it would lag horribly. Want this map get rating 5 ? Then remove the weather effect.
Negative Review
The bottom review is the list of negative stuff about this map. Negative review usually not only about how bad the map is, but also if it does follow the rules of thehiveworkshop or not.

[√] - Map protected, but I do not see any description indicate this map is protected.
[√] - Typo error found. At the loading screen, I notice a word written "prinicple". Should't it be principle ?
[√] - Sound doesn't match. It is funny considering the helicopter transport could growl like a bear :hohum:
[√] - The super weapon damage is very low. The only unit able to be killed is infantry. :hohum:
[√] - Another typo error found. At the nuclear missile ability description, you mistype "available" as "availible"
Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 84/100
Rating - 4/5
Condition - Good
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
Anteep, why did you say my name? Anyway, Zt, I had the best version of my map, ready to be uploaded to the hive.....well, until my computer stopped working, i had to reset it and lose all my files to get it to work...Well, as much as i don't feel like getting all the models, sounds, and icons again, i guess i have to...plus make the re-balance. Oh well, that's life.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
Map updated; a few new models, better information in the Quests menu (including a detailed description of each unit), and, most importantly, a smaller file size!
EDIT: Updated to 0.99x1 (One new model, fixed hum-vee bug, even smaller file size)
EDIT2: Uh...Anybody know why this map suddenly has a five-digit download counter?
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
I dunno, perhaps because you can't easily play C&C online anymore? I just make the maps for fun; if other people want to play them, that's great, too!

Also, the map is now updated: the units have much better descriptions and there's a new model for the engineer (by Illidan(Evil)X )

EDIT: .99y1 is now up.
Good Changes:
-More and Better sound FX
-Updated unit models
-Better unit and superweapon balance
Not-So-Good Changes:
-Temporary Loss of custom Unit Acknowledgements due to file type conversion problems
-Slightly Larger filesize (+50kb)
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
The gameplay can get a little boring, yes. I sincerely believe this is because it is a Free-For-All style map. With two teams of three or more players, I think there would be more inclination to attack. In FFA, people seem to be afraid of attacking, since this would leave them open to attack from six other players!
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
Don't like free-for-all for C&C?
Very well.
Soon I'll release a new version (with borrowed terrain) that has two teams of three.
Stay tuned!

EDIT: cncalpine0.99y2 is a SMALL update that has new unit models, but not much else. The map is still devoid of unit sounds.
EDIT2: 0.99y3 fixes a few minor bugs present in the last version.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
It's big and people on B.net are too impatient to download it from the host...

Anyways, my NEW version will be a bit smaller: 100~250kb smaller, hopefully.

Plus, since it'll have teams and many more custom options (and naval units!), the game will play faster and in a more enjoyable fashion (at least, that's my theory!)
Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
hey zt, my map has the same problem with downlaoding, but i eventually get a full house fast. what program do you use to compress your map size? i used heavylocker, and wc3 map optimizer, and BOTH made my map BIGGER. btw, cant wait to test your last version :)
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
Update Incoming:
The C&C team map is almost finished and includes some new features such as neutral structure garrison, naval units, Tiberium poisoning, and realistic Tiberium reproduction. I may implement some of these features into this map, and I'll comment when the new version is released.

EDIT: I released a Beta version of the team C&C map. It should be in the Hive's map queue, if you're interested.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
zt2211 said:
Well, you may have noticed that this map hasn't been updated for quite a while. That is because I have ceased work on this due to other priorities, including a bigger WCIII project involving a group of people that contribute time and energy. However, due to the many positive comments I have received about the map, I have given an unprotected version to Chaos Overlord, and he promises to contribute time and effort to it after his current project(s) are completed. Thanks, Chaos, and thank you everyone for all of the feedback and criticism!

And now you can forget about this map not being updated: after priority reassessment, I have decided that completion of this project is a worthy goal after all!
Last edited:
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Rules Violation
Map that violates the rules of hiveworkshop could be rejected.

Below are the list of violation that could had possibly occur.

1) Map protected and never mention at detail/description/information (Map that cannot be open by ordinary World Editor must had the statement of it being protected)
2) "Just another warcraft III map" title are not allowed even if it is written at other language.
3) Blank map with nothing on it.
4) Maps with offensive map previews or profanity in the name or description.
5) Maps that are written in languages other than English without English as alternate language.
6) Map that had been approve, but deleted and re-upload to had better rating.
7) Incomplete maps/alpha stage level map are not acceptable. (Must at least be at least at late beta stage)
8) Maps that serve no real gaming function such as special effects and trigger test maps.
9) Stolen/Hack/De-protect map.
10) Maps that do not use standard keyboard characters
11) Constantly upload the same map (Different version are not acceptable as well, you should had use the update button instead.)

Other than this violation, the map could had possibly rejected under other circumstances as well.
If you fail to follow this important rule, moderators will PM you again and all future versions of your map will not be approved until you do. If any user fails to reply in some way to the PM, more serious punishments may be brought upon them at the discretion of our moderators or administrators.
Positive Review
The bottom review is the list of positive stuff about this map. Positive review usually not only about how good the map is, but also if it follow the rules of thehiveworkshop.

[√] - You gives credit to the original author and for those who help you at quest log.
[√] - Quest log had all necessary information and detail.
[√] - Unit and structure information are well given.
Neutral Review
The bottom review is the list of suggestion/comment and opinion about the map. It usually contain an useful hint for the map author if the map author try to earn more merit point for their map.

[√] - The size of the infantry is rather small, try to make it bigger. The small size eventually cause the infantry harder to be select.
[√] - Remove the weather effect. If this map play by more than 3 player, it would lag horribly. Want this map get rating 5 ? Then remove the weather effect.
Negative Review
The bottom review is the list of negative stuff about this map. Negative review usually not only about how bad the map is, but also if it does follow the rules of thehiveworkshop or not.

[√] - Map protected, but I do not see any description indicate this map is protected.
[√] - Typo error found. At the loading screen, I notice a word written "prinicple". Should't it be principle ?
[√] - Sound doesn't match. It is funny considering the helicopter transport could growl like a bear :hohum:
[√] - The super weapon damage is very low. The only unit able to be killed is infantry. :hohum:
[√] - Another typo error found. At the nuclear missile ability description, you mistype "available" as "availible"
Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 84/100
Rating - 4/5
Condition - Good
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
My, what a thorough review! Thanks!
Allow me to respond to a few of your comments, beginning with the Positive Notes:

[√] - You gives credit to the original author and for those who help you at quest log.
Yes, I always give credit to those who help me, directly or indirectly. It's only polite, and I really do appreciate their contributions!
[√] - Quest log had all necessary information and detail.
I feel that a thorough description of map elements and history provides players with the opportunity to have a deeper, more enjoyable experience playing the game.
[√] - Unit and structure information are well given.
This gives players an idea of how to actually use units in any situation. Also, good descriptions are fun to make!

Thanks for your positive review! Now for Neutral Notes (Suggestions):
[√] - The size of the infantry is rather small, try to make it bigger. The small size eventually cause the infantry harder to be select.
Yes, this is one of the more common complaints I receive. Unfortunately, making infantry larger would cause them to be out of proportion with vehicles and structures. The only semi-solution I can conceive is to allow custom camera zoom options, and to make the default one zoomed in more than it currently is.
[√] - Remove the weather effect. If this map play by more than 3 player, it would lag horribly. Want this map get rating 5 ? Then remove the weather effect.
Actually, I have been meaning to do just that for a long while. Although the weather adds to the map's ambiance, I agree it is not worth the potential lag it could cause.

Thanks for the suggestions! But now I'll comment on your Negative Notes:
[√] - Map protected, but I do not see any description indicate this map is protected.
Oh dear, I never realized this was a rule! I'll have to read the rules more carefully...
[√] - Typo error found. At the loading screen, I notice a word written "prinicple". Should't it be principle ?
[√] - Another typo error found. At the nuclear missile ability description, you mistype "available" as "availible"
Yikes! I hate mis-speelz...I've corrected the problems, thanks for pointing them out.
[√] - Sound doesn't match. It is funny considering the helicopter transport could growl like a bear
Yeah, unfortunately I forgot to reset the landed helicopter's sound set. It's been corrected.
[√] - The super weapon damage is very low. The only unit able to be killed is infantry.
Hmm...for this, I have to disagree with your negative judgment. I worked to make this map as similar to CnC as possible, including unit and weapon values. If you play the original CnC, you'll see that the super weapons do just as much damage as they are supposed to. Rather or not they are balanced is a good question, but I opted to rely on Westwood's judgment on the matter.

Your constructive criticism will allow me to better my project.

Thanks again for the great review!
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
I am now about a week away from updating this, thus incorporating a massive system overhaul, new models, new sound FX, and more music (the 4mb limit was raised to 8mb! yay!).

EDIT: OH and also the interface is much, much better. Descriptions are now more in-depth, and the quest log contains step-by-step information for playing the game, even though the new system is so easy that it's self-explanatory.

EDIT: Still in the process of updating. Smoothing out the system, and creating new team system.

EDIT: STILL in the process of updating. STILL smoothing out the system and making it more universally accessible.

EDIT: Forgot my main map file at home. Oops. MORE DELAYS!! YAY!
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