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Classic Style Raptors (for Reforged)

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
“They are lethal at eight months, very lethal.”
Hemet Nesingwary Jr.

Raptors are large, aggressive theropods (this means, they stand upright on two large hind legs in a bird-like fashion). Raptors are found in Arathi Highlands, the Barrens, Blade's Edge Mountains, Durotar, Dustwallow Marsh, Gorgrond, Lost Isles, Nazmir, Stranglethorn Vale, Un'Goro Crater, Vol'dun, Wailing Caverns, Wetlands, Zuldazar and Zul'Drak. Raptors seem to be very intelligent for beasts. They wear feathers and beads, and in the Barrens (where the smartest raptors are said to dwell) they have a settlement of mud huts decorated with bone ornaments called Raptor Grounds. Evidently, raptor hatchlings can be so vicious as to eviscerate an entire adult cow in less than ten seconds. Raptors make for good eating if one doesn't mind gamey meat.

This pack includes all unarmored/non-mount variants of the classic style Raptor, upgraded with Reforged textures and made for use in Warcraft 3: Reforged. I have also included a desaturated version, essentially a silver/gray skin. This model is meant to be used as a creep/miniboss or an npc but with a little ingenuity could be repurposed as a mount. Everything was ported from WoW, specifically using the raptor2.m2 file which is an updated/HD mesh. Hopefully this will be useful, have fun modding!

Intended to be used in Warcraft 3: Reforged. Please credit Blizzard for the original model. If you would like to also credit Symphoneum for porting the model, that would be appreciated. Ported using GIMP, Bounding Box Studio's Materialize, WoW.export, Taylor Mouse's 3DS Max Reforged toolset, and Retera's Model Studio (DRMS 4.4m and TRMS 3D_04c).

Classic Style Raptor Icon (for Reforged) (Icon)

Classic Style Raptors (for Reforged) (Model)

Raptor Dark Green (HD) (Model)

Raptor Desaturated (HD) (Model)

Raptor Fire (HD) (Model)

Raptor Frost (HD) (Model)

Raptor Green (HD) (Model)

Raptor Lightning (HD) (Model)

Raptor Red (HD) (Model)

Raptor TCG Icon (Icon)

Raptor Yellow (HD) (Model)


Looks like a Ceratosaurus than a velociraptor or maybe hybrid and in medieval theme.
Technically all the raptors in WoW are now "Ravasaurs," which is a made up dinosaur for Warcraft. However, in the game files they are called raptors and they look like raptors so I'm calling them raptors. Certainly might be closer to a Ceratosaurus (not familiar with that one). It's definitely in a medieval theme, since it's in Warcraft!
Level 7
Mar 15, 2020

Technically all the raptors in WoW are now "Ravasaurs," which is a made up dinosaur for Warcraft. However, in the game files they are called raptors and they look like raptors so I'm calling them raptors. Certainly might be closer to a Ceratosaurus (not familiar with that one). It's definitely in a medieval theme, since it's in Warcraft!
They look cool anyway, reminds me of Jurassic World Lego Game Genetic Engineering or making hybrid.