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Chukareth G. LoSoPhY

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Level 1
Jan 17, 2012
I think this is the right place to post this.
I'm Chukareth, Warcraft III TFT - Azeroth player. I've used this website for a long time and I never bothered to make an account until now. D:

On WC3, I play many SotDRP's and XRP's, along with the occasional Tower Defense/Hero Defense and other customs. Not exactly the most hardcore player, but I like to play. A lot.
I'm also part of PRP (Phoenix Roleplay), a roleplaying clan based in U.S. East. And finally, I lead the Epochs of Roleplay, a small but growing hangout for roleplayers and general gamers. Come check it out sometime - link in sig.

Oh, and add me in Warcraft if you want to talk sometime or play a game.

Kudos to me if I did everything right in this post.
Thanks for reading.
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