Cheesemonkey994 just discovered this page

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Level 3
Dec 4, 2007
Hi, I'm Cheesemonkey994 and I'm a smiley addict :grin: and i just found out the introduce yourself page, so HI HIVE WORK SHOP:thumbs_up: I'm a really good ideaist and mapper (I think) but I have great ideas >.> like A dinosaur released in LOAP or...Raining meteors or...Robots (see my avatar) taking over the world!!! O.O
My name is Bradley and I'm from USA...umm..I got a guitar for christmas (a string fells off today :'() um....I like cereal.....and bacon and pop corn and movies and youtube and swimming and football with my dad (it's his dream to play football with me) and Warcraft 3 and the sims 2 and Civilization 4 and the hive and cartoons and my friends and potato chips..I could go on and on.....=3
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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Hey there, Cheesemonkey994. We hope you enjoy your time at the Hive, I am also a smiley addict :grin:. Of course am only using it to describe how am really feeling at that moment :bored:.

So ... hi and greetings, and as you say in your intro. show us your ideas and at least 1 out of all of us at Hive will reply to your ideas. Best of luck , and try your best. :thumbs_up:
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Welcome to The Hive Workshop!

Greetings Cheesemonkey994. Thanks for joining our community! The Hive includes many talented Warcraft III modders of all skill levels among its users. New members (especially friendly ones) are always welcome. Take a look around and enjoy your stay, may it be long and productive!

Some good places to start include:Searching the site using the above link always helps, you can learn a lot that way: just reading and learning is usually the best place to start, especially if one feels overwhelmed.

Likewise, the tutorials can really teach ALL of us a thing or two.

The chat room is cool: lots of people can answer questions there.
  • A few other tips that might help too:
    • Always search first! Did I already mention THAT? :grin:
    • When creating a new thread, make the title VERY specific: so the site's search engine (and we users) can easily understand just what the thread contains.
    • Post your new threads in the proper forum: read the descriptions of each one so that you know what to post there.
    • If all else fails, just send me a private message! I'll try to do whatever I can to help.
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