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Charge ability, need help!

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Level 5
Sep 14, 2004
I would love to know how to make this.
Similar to the one warriors have in World of Warcraft, you charge the enemy, it gets stunned for 1 second, does minor damage.

I'm pretty noobish making my own spells, ive only made a few so..but I tried to do this without any great results.

Any help appreciated.
Level 5
Sep 14, 2004

Getting the stun to work is no problem.
By charging I mean that the caster should move/run to the target (uninteruptable), in much more faster speed than normal, while caster is charging, the target can't move and gets stunned once the caster hits.

I tried with the tauren chieftain model, since it has an animation called Walk Fast, but without success..
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Probably Charge ability (similar to the one made by Vex) just that instead of knockbacking the target it stuns it + damage. The idea is pretty simple, but requires some JASSing.

You need to simulate the move animation of the target. Then simply move the unit ahead with a timer. When an unit ahead of it (angle between the two units (caster-target not the other way) should be +-20 of the charged unit's angle) is close enough, just stop the timer and with a dummy unit cast storm bolt on it.

To simulate "ghosts" behind the target you need to create the unit with locust at transparency behind the unit and keep moving these units after. It's not worth it if you can't get the initial effect.


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
JASS is recomended for this type of move, you simply have to move the unit via timer using handle vars or simlar systems towards the target and appon reaching the point close to the target it preforms the stun by creating a dummy and getting it to bolt the target.
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