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Changing targeting type for "robo upgraded" spells

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Level 2
Sep 16, 2014
So,I have been trying to make a unit with 3 modes,for example one spell does:
damage if in 1st mode,healing in 2nd mode,and shields the caster in 3rd mode(all 3 are dummy spells),and i got that working using triggers(ofc) and "robo upgrade"(tinkers 3rd spell in melee maps) to switch their description and targeting.
Everything works well except for this:the dummy for 1st 2nd modes is "chain lighting",and i tried making "summon bear" as dummy for 3rd since the self shield doesn't really require a target. Problem is this,when changing into the 3rd mode of the spell,which should require no target at all and be used instantly,i get a "select target" pointer.
So to summarize: can i make a spell with "robo upgrade" that is on first 2 levels targeted spell,and on 3rd requires no target and is used instantly on click?
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
This is indeed the problem with these abilities.
When you replace an ability with the Engineering Upgrade ability type, you upgrade the ability to the new one, however the ability is just an upgrade so it keeps it's way of usage.

I assume that this ability is a hero ability because you wont need the robo upgrade with unit abilities cause you would just replace them.

You can solve this by making the levelup ability be a dummy ability.
The dummy ability is Attribute Bonus cause this has an option to hide the icon, which you set to true.
Then you add (via triggers) the bear form ability and set it's lever correctly.
Make sure that you also update the level when the dummy ability is leveled up.
Level 2
Sep 16, 2014
Thank you for your help,I really wanted to avoid transformations,but looks like its the only solution available for this problem. :vw_sad:
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