Im trying to make it so if you have an item and you issue an order on a unit it changes the target of the order to you and removes the item.
Unit- a unit is issued an order targeting an object
If (all conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
(Issued order) Equal to (Order(Tall red house))
((Item carried by (Ordered unit) of type Key to Large House) is owned) Equal to true
Unit- change ownership of (targeted unit of issued order) to (owner of (Ordered unit)) and Change Color
Item- remove (item carried by (ordered unit) of type Key to Large House)
Else- do nothing
Why doesnt this work, How could this work? thanks
Unit- a unit is issued an order targeting an object
If (all conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
(Issued order) Equal to (Order(Tall red house))
((Item carried by (Ordered unit) of type Key to Large House) is owned) Equal to true
Unit- change ownership of (targeted unit of issued order) to (owner of (Ordered unit)) and Change Color
Item- remove (item carried by (ordered unit) of type Key to Large House)
Else- do nothing
Why doesnt this work, How could this work? thanks