Casting an ability crashes the game if it has the same ID as a spellbook

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Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
With the abundance of crashes happening, including to my own project (Orc Gladiators), i did some investigating. Only by accident did i find a cause that is probably going to be an issue for several custom games.

If a unit casts a spell (for example, Acid Bomb) and has a spellbook (hidden or not) with its base ID set to Acid Bomb, the game will crash.

The ID arbitrary as far as i know. I am 100% sure this problem/interaction did not exist before 1.30.

Attached crash map. Should be fairly self-explanatory.


  • spellbook crash.w3x
    17.7 KB · Views: 37
Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
You sure it didnt crash before? Because it sounds just like undefined behavior

Yep. If it did then Orc Glads would have had a 100% crash rate if a certain hero was picked, as i unwittingly had a Channel based ability and a spellbook on the hero that used the Inner Fire base ID.

And obviously that's why this problem might be important; if you have 100s of Channel abilities and 20-30 spellbooks there's the real chance you've accidentally got two IDs the same.
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