22:03, 9th Jul 2014
Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 5/5, amazing! Quoting SCN's review here:
Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 5/5, amazing! Quoting SCN's review here:
StoPCampinGn00b;2552233 said:Official THW Review
PART 1RATINGSCapture the Flag - SC2 Vr1.5
Gameplay: 18/20
Terrain: 10/10
Scenery: 10/10
Consistency: 4/5
Presentation: 5/5
Total Score: 48/50
Gameplay: "The fun factor is real." That's what's been going on in my head when playing, even only in 1v1. The whole way the map works flows perfectly. Like many non-auto attack maps, maneuvering, dodging, and unit position is what the map is all about. That's what makes it fun.PART 2FEEDBACK
There being four simple abilities you can use in one set, it makes it very easy for new comers to play. The only problem I have with them is that, the rocket/missile can shoot anywhere, even in the spawn. Even though it's not insta-kill (2-3 hits), it will just make it unfair if no one heals.
I find it quite odd for you to respawn where you die, there are other ways to avoid spawn kill such as spawns more spread out on your teams side. It's no a bad thing, I'm sure most are just not used to it.
Both game modes are extremely fun. Teamwork is the key to win, covering the flag carrier actually is a factor in this CTF game. The way the carrier is slow actually isn't annoying, it makes it very intense. Playing in 1v1 is only a game of push and pull though, I don't recommend it.
I was thinking there would be a dash like move do to the nature of the game, maybe you want to think about that.
Almost flawless gameplay, 19/20
Terrain: The terrain is great. Since it's an arena type map, most people would know arenas don't really need a lot of tile variation or height difference. But these downloadable tiles are great, you mixed them well. Do the crosses under the barricades do anything? There are 2 more red ones than blue ones in the middle.
The layout of the map is a lot more strategic than other CTF's also. At first, I though it was way to small. But you can actually flank the edges, go straight up the middle, or stay back and fire.
Scenery: I feel like I'm playing a Battlefield 2142 mini-game in Warcraft. The way the doodads are set up, and how they have death animations are pretty awesome. Something about the lighting makes it seem futuristic, I think it's the screen lights. Really nice decorations everywhere.
The interface is really impressive as well. All of the buttons and the edges of the screen makes it seem like I'm not not playing Warcraft 3.
I know this isn't scenery, but those sounds are really fun to listen too. From capturing a flag to casting spells, they make the map better. Explosions could be more Michael Bay like though ;D (Explosions could be bigger)
Consistency: No bugs found, I played for around 15 minutes. I think you should hide vision from the spawns and maybe the hallway where you capture the flag to avoid the rockets over the map if you still want to keep it's unlimited range.
Presentation: Great description, especially without a template! You explained how to play, included all the credits, screenshots, and features. It also grabs attention.You are missing if the map is allowed to be edited. See the end of the review for more info.
4/5 (FIXED, 5/5)
For the map to be put out for public, it must follow the AllPART 3VERDICTbut one of the rules are met. For this map to be approved, you must state if the map is protected, unprotected, or open source in the description.
(+2) Reputation GhxBronie for uploading! This is rep: (
-Map review by SCN
EDIT: I actually haven't given a 50/50 on a pending map yet. Go go go!