Can't get a model to work >.<

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Level 1
Feb 22, 2008
Okay so Arch Angel - Elenai. by General Frank

I've read through some of the threads.. and im still not finding an answer. Unless there's one in particular someone can point me to.

I did everything i read (almost) and its still not working, i imported the
Archangel_IncarnationofRedemption.mdx and the
Problem is i cant find where to put the portrait (??) there isnt a field in the unit editor, there is one in the trees/d... but thats dosent help me now does it?

So when i use the Archangel_IncarnationofRedemption.mdx on unit with this the world editor tell me it cant find the .mdl file and it shows up as a green and black checkered cube.

I should state, the only models ive gotten to work are the ones with only the model.mdx file like the AncientWarrior.mdx (actually the only one that works >.<) and its really starting to get frustrating... I've been at it since 10am yesterday and its 6pm.

Can someone help me?
Btw im using it in a map im creating... if that has something to do with it.

And i thought modding WoW was difficult enough lol.
Anyway thanks for any help... it would be very much appreciated.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
There's no need to set a custom path in WE's Object Editor for the model (or its portrait).

Simply import the files into your map:


Then, for the unit you wish to appy the model to, set ONLY the object editor field:

Art - Model File

  • [self=""]
    Very first post ppaine? !ntroduce yourself to The Hive![/self]

~ Thread moved to World Editor Help Zone.
Level 1
Feb 22, 2008
Omg I Am A Noob

>.< *smashes head into desk while chanting "im not a noob, im not a NOOB, IM NOT A NOOB"... sigh* the one thing i didnt do was to test it completely in-game... GD it works... Many thanks!

I read if the model didnt show up just restart the map and it'll show in the editor.... thats what i was doing wrong *aaa:razz:hhh*

Hey thanks :infl_thumbs_up:... i'll post that intro in a few

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