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Cannot open my map

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Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
I've been working on a map for quite some time. In order to reduce its size, I decided to remove some unused imported stuff. I saved the map numerous times and then closed WE. When I try to load my map, I get a message informing me that "Level Info data missing or invalid". Does this have to do with the stuff I removed? If yes, is there any way of fixing this? If not, what is it then? Any help would be appreciated, since I don't really fancy the idea of recreating my map from scratch. Thanks in advance.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
I didn't try to protect it, if that's what you mean, since it wasn't finished. I just deleted some items from the import manager. One icon was used on a custom ability, but no creeps had said ability.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
ok thats good
Ehm, what's good?

I decided to recreate my map from scratch and I don't really care whether I can open the old one or not.

No, I didn't try to open it with WEU because I don't use it :))
Thanks anywayz!

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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Ehm, what's good?

I decided to recreate my map from scratch and I don't really care whether I can open the old one or not.

No, I didn't try to open it with WEU because I don't use it :))
Thanks antywayz!


That must be hard...
Sorry about the WEU-part, when you said "WE", I had read "WEU" :/

Well, good luck with your map anyway, I've never seen a problem like yours before...
I'll make some backups now once in a while to prevent this from happening.
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