I'm trying to make a region center itself upon a structure once it is constructed. The region will not move, the events and other actions are fine. I have set the region as a variable, nothing happens. At first I thought it might have to do with a weather effect for the region so I removed that also but to no avail. I've made a variable for the point of the constructing structure and to have to region move to that point once the structure is completed. In fact, here is the script, I can't see what is wrong with it, hopefully it's something stupid:
Region - Center MissileDefP1 on (Position of (Triggering unit))
There is no waiting period, so I don't see why I would need a variable for the unit, etc. Any ideas? I initially had an array but even switched done to singular variables for each player hoping that might do something. Very frustrating.
Region - Center MissileDefP1 on (Position of (Triggering unit))
There is no waiting period, so I don't see why I would need a variable for the unit, etc. Any ideas? I initially had an array but even switched done to singular variables for each player hoping that might do something. Very frustrating.