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[Trigger] Can any one please help me with a trigger??

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Level 2
Aug 23, 2006
I am suppose to make a trigger like this:

Event-(A unit used a item)

Then on the condition, i wanted to do this:

Condition-(Item used equals to Tomb of Intelligence, and Player used item is player 1)

Then finally on the Action part...:

Action-Create Special effect (????) to the triggering unit.

Please teach me the steps of triggering this if you know how to, thank you T_T
Level 2
Sep 21, 2007
I'm sure you can do this, All the things you described are almost literately in there. just scroll a little trough the menu's.

I'll give you one tip for the condition, the item used is referred to is the (Item being manipulated) and the player is refered to as (owner of (Triggering unit))
what do you mean by the special effect to the triggering unit? the string of the attachment point? (origin = base of the units feet ; hand = hand (but you need the attachment helper like right, or left, so it would be like hand, right) ; head = head ; overhead = overhead wont sway with the body movement) if you need anything else like foot, then its foot.
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