Waldbär said:
This line doesn't need a call because you don't call a special action, but you only set a variable to a function's return value, like you can do it with GUI e.g. for "set unitvariable = (Last created unit)", the only difference is that this z-function isn't available in GUI.
Waldbär said:
I think your problem is different, because you have to adjust the camera's perspective depending on the unit is either going up or down, don't you?
(Perspective?! Nah... Height.) Well summat like that.
the camera's height must be changed to a lil more than the unit's current height.
Like when she(the ninja) goes up a hill the camera doesn't get so close to the ground.
The first trigger was like this:
E: - every 0.01"
C: - none
A: - set p1's camera height offset to 120
This went through higher terrain as I told you.
The second trigger was like this (I used different triggers for each action):
E: - every 0.01"
C: - none
A: - set UnitLoc = position unit
- set udg_LocZ=GetLocationZ(udg_UnitLoc)
- set p1's camera height offset to ZLoc + 120
And should have worked, but when I went higher the camera went to high and when I went lower the cam went to low.
Well, I don't really know whats wrong, unless I triggered something wrong. I shall try again.