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Calvary Request!

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Level 3
Mar 26, 2008
'Ello all.
I;m new to the requesting but what the heck:

I need some easy models but the hard part is the many of them.
I need several calvary capable models that will be used in my map Sovereignty as different levels of upgrade. I need several Riderless Horses with attatchments on the back/saddle area for which to attatch a rider.
Horses to use:
Pack horse (remove the packs so the horse can resemble being unarmored"
Orc Warlords Horse
Knights Horse (the riderless one will do, just needs to beable to have a rider sit on him through attatchments)
Bandit Lords Horse
Lord Garithos Horse

The Riders i'm requesting I wish to have no weapons. I can add them myself as they change ingame through "equipment upgrades" basically.

Blood Elf Lt
Garithos (No glows)

The bases of this request is that your calvary is upgradable in both riders and mounts. Through triggers, players will research upgrades to improve or gain heavier horses and heavier equipped riders, or mix and match lighter horses with heavy riders. I would need attatchment points to place the researched riders on the horses that have been researched/bred.

Anyone who helps will surely get credit, and most likely a chance at getting cheesecake! *gasp*

Anyway, help would be much appreciated as the tools I do have modelling cannot accomplish this task.

Hope some one hears me out
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Fairly simple(especially the no weapon part), but I don't have time now :(

If nobody does it I'll do it, when I get the chance(the no weapons at least, since I'm not exactly sure it will look ok if I remove the rider from the horse)
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
adding riders as attachments seems like a good idea but I think it would work quite crappy. I'm pretty sure if you add it as an attachment it isn't going to have any animation, so when you are in battle you are just going to have a bunch of horses bucking each other to death.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Forgot to ask, do you want me to remove the shields as well, or just the weapons?

Here, I'll upload the bandit, footman, captain, lord garithos and blood elf lut with shields, if you want without tell me. I did not do the knight because I am not sure what you want me to do.

Hope this helps.
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Level 3
Mar 26, 2008
Forgot to ask, do you want me to remove the shields as well, or just the weapons?

Here, I'll upload the bandit, footman, captain, lord garithos and blood elf lut with shields, if you want without tell me. I did not do the knight because I am not sure what you want me to do.

Hope this helps.

Actually it wouldn't hurt to have both. I'd prefer both the weapons and shields gone as I've got shield models for attatchments. A Bandit shield seporately would be nice because none of the shield models available actually post one. The "buckler" shield you can get is actually the shield from the Gryphon Rider... and its paper thin... I hate it.

And I didn't no attatchments might not have anims, since when you use orbs, those are attatchments. Yet they do a spin animation. Is that just the weapon attatchment point moving around or the attatched art's animation?
If i remember, i had gryphon wings, black ones that I dled once. When you attatched them to the chest they'd appear on the back. They would perform stand and move anims if your attatch point's host was moving/attacking/standing. Least I thought... o_O

CMarket, I will reply to you shortly via PMs after I test out the models if I think I need further help. Other than that... thanks so very much on the help!
*bows graciously*
Level 26
Nov 19, 2007
Depends. If you make the rider a complete model, just minus the horse and attach it, I think that it will still play its stand and death animations. However, it will disappear once its mount dies. Also, I think attachments disappear whilst units attack. Your best shot is to have a riderless model and a model with a rider, and alternate between those. Attachments aren't really good for much more than small SFX
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
Ok, this might not be 100% correct, but it is based on what I have noticed from applying atachments ingame.

the anims like for the orb are structured around the fact that they are items, so the orb spinning is most likely its stand animation. Sometimes they have birth and death anims, but not much else.

With units they have alot of animations like stand, walk, attack, etc, and those anims are fired off by the corresponding triggering events of the game, eg when a unit attacks its attack animation plays.

When you use a unit model as an attachments, they become attachments and are no longer classified as a unit for the animation process. When the unit attacks, the horse will play its attack animation but the attachment rider wont. This will be because the horse is the attacking unit, and the rider is only an attachment.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
What you SHOULD do, but what would be a little harder, would be to get individual models, not attachments. Make a light horse with a light, medium, and heavy rider. Then do it with a medium horse and so on. It would be alot nicer then having a horse kick the enemy.
Level 3
Mar 26, 2008
That would change my request alot.

If that'd be the case, I'd want the visuals obviously done right so...
I nice bit of geomerges I guess is the answer. However, weapons attatchments are still capable so...

I guess an update on requests would be as such: All units will need shields/lances/weapons removed

WolfRider w/ Grunt
WolfRider w/ Troll (preferably trapper for the extra armor look, will also need an Icetroll version)
Packhorse (all pack horses need bags removed w/ Bandit
Packhorse w/ Grunt
Packhorse w/ Troll Trapper (only green one needed)
Packhorse w/ Footman
OrcWarlord Horse (obviously no glows) w/ Bandit
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Grunt
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Chaos Grunt
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Chaos Warlock
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Chaos Raider Grunt
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Footman
OrcWarlord Horse w/ Captian
OrcWarlord Horse w/ BE Lut
KnightsHorse w/ Bandit
KnightsHorse w/ Footman
KnightsHorse w/ Captian
KnightsHorse w/ BE Lut
Knights Horse w/ Garithos (No glows)
GarithosHorse (No glows) w/ Footman
GarithosHorse w/ Captian
GarithosHorse w/ BE Lut
GarithosHorse w/ Knight
GarithosHorse w/ Garithos (still placing this one because it needs to have glows removed)

I wrote everyone of them out because even just reading it, I remind myself of the daunting requests I just had to dish out. Almost makes me want to hurt myself o_O
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I'll have to admit, it's ALOT, but I don't know if it's hard or not. Oh, and remember, screenshots will place-holders or a demo of your map ALWAYS helps people want to make your models.
Level 3
Mar 26, 2008
Here's my delima: Map size.

I'm very newblar at the WC3ME. I can actually remove weapons myself but if I understand things correctly; Vertexes (or Vertecies I suppose is the plural form) behave practically in the same maner as any graphic related visual render under the use of Matrixing.
Matrix Graphics use equations to display them and so there for, no matter how close you zoom in, the equations can always meet the best detail; scaling your graphic.
I'm guessing the same goes with models, since technically speaking, they exist through co-ordinates as "replicated" points that are replicated through equations. Thusly, no matter how far I could zoom in, a Vertex will always be 0, and so I can always get closer to it, never finding an end.
To make a long blab short, What I mean to say is; when i shrink down the shield and sword of a footman, placing the vertecies within the hands so you can't see them, its all fine and dandy, but technically those pollies still exist.
Removing them entirely would be my want.
Lastly, the ability of using attatchments for the riders and the horses was thought up mainly for the map size reason. Each and every variation having to be made would cost alot on map space on a map in which i've already got alot imported.
Here's another idea I thought of:

I have a model I dled that used a footman inplace of the knight. But it used the knights anims.
Would it be more feasable is some one went back to the old request idea; make riders seporate with no shields/weapons/lances and horses with no riders (but have attatchment pionts on their backs -i'd name the string :chest:). The riders could use the knight's anims.
The Horses, since they will be the actuall unit, will animate correctly.
However, through trigs, and play the animations of the riders when the units attack.
Is that possible/easier to do?

Though I'm noob, I wouldn't imagine it be too difficult to make the calvary since I don't want the models using seporate textures. I want to use resources that WC3 already provides for custom models if I can. Makes it easier on everyone, even thoes I make humble requests to. :)

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