Hi! I managed to create a Cafe.Naver account but apperently i need to level up enough to be able to access their warcraft 3 section. Or something like that.
Anyone know where to get the latest masin rpg 1.69 and other stuffs?
Or where do i download theese 8mb+ korean maps or the huge rpg maps that have file size bigger than 8 MB?
Cafe.Naver link to masin rpg example: http://cafe.naver.com/masinrpg
Anyone know where to get the latest masin rpg 1.69 and other stuffs?
Or where do i download theese 8mb+ korean maps or the huge rpg maps that have file size bigger than 8 MB?
Cafe.Naver link to masin rpg example: http://cafe.naver.com/masinrpg