March of Fortune (Korean RPG)

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Level 3
Sep 28, 2014
Hi! Welcome Hive Community! I'm here for a request to translate the map that has foreign language. This map called March of Fortune. March of Fortune is a Korean ORPG made by
作者 : VivalDi.Rose 汉化:会飞的羊

This request might not be answered or work by someone but i guaranteed that there is some Asian RPG's Fan out there who want to play a map like this. If you never tried a Asian RPG before I suggest you playing Masin RPG, The World RPG and HMRPG. This 3 RPG has English Version and it was better than any RPG that submitted here on HiveWorkShop. I've played a RPG like Gaias Retaliation, TKoK, Sunken City, my one of my favorite RPG Warchasers and etc. I've never find a RPG map like this. I wish someone can help me to work this project.

Thank you for visiting!


  • MasinAfterbirth FINALfix.w3x
    7.6 MB · Views: 146
  • twrpgS3v0.18b2_eng.w3x
    8 MB · Views: 138
  • HMRPGv5.5b Eng Translation.w3x
    6.5 MB · Views: 235
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