>.< didnt notice the update/delete links next the the name of the map srry, really they shuld make those into buttons under the minimap or something
im trying to make it laggless atm by splitting up my core triggers (which controls the slides and hits) more likely then note, the lagg is also comming from the fact that the walls are animated, ill see if i can put an option in there for slower computers <keeping the walls unanimated or makeing it animated, defult no, when the game starts you cant change it>
and a response to your post on my other map <i thought it didnt get in after dubble checking the rules stateing i must state that the map is protected) I made this map to be an experimental map, to see if i can do it. I didnt make this map to appeal to dota players because they will ruin the experience for newer players <like what they are doing with dota> even if it co-op, they will yell at players...