23:44, 4th Aug 2014
Sin'dorei300: Could be useful.
Sin'dorei300: Could be useful.
(1 ratings)
RULES state that you are REQUIRED to provide the FULL RESOLUTION image.
I'd like to see a big pic.
This is not his icon either way, it is a mix of several units and abilities formed together. It contains Blizzard (Archmage), Glaive Thrower (Night Elf) and Tranquility (Keeper of The Groove).
Edit: Give credits to Blizzard Entertainment.
What percentage of the icon is your work, honestly?
This icon is mine, its combination of spells and drawings, yes give credits to Blizzard but even this way, its my first time making icon, so this means im not good with Photoshop and GIMP.
As you can see he provides no proof and doesn't even say how he made it. By looking at the icon you can clearly see Blizzard icons mixed together.
As your first upload I suggest you to research in what is your creation in this icon and what is taken and formed by you.
I dont think you can see it. When I said "its combination of spells and drawings" I meaned that I drawed some parts over the Glaive if you can see it have 6 Blades and the color on the parts are Yellow, at the original they are Dark Yellow and have shadows, and yes the spells are from W3. But ok im going to read the rules again and see what I need to do.
But im going to keep this icon as my first Failure.
Edit: Change the description and remove "this is my first icon".
He doesn't really need to remove "this is my first icon" since I'm guessing this is the first icon he has uploaded to the Hive.