icon made by request from Hive 2d Workshop.
also an icon made for practicing too.

i hope this icon is decent enough to be approved :)

update : add a little change

Owl, 2d Hiveworkshop, bird, creep

BTNOwl (Icon)

17:44, 9th Aug 2015 Sin'dorei300: Could be useful.




It looks great!

I think you could use some more colour variation on certain parts like the head, to make it look less uniform and more natural.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

It looks great!

I think you could use some more colour variation on certain parts like the head, to make it look less uniform and more natural.

will see when i have some spare time to update it :)

Dis' is Awesome Wisdom. :D

thank you :)

edit : update a small change based on ardenian suggestion.
can't add much more for this, since the base owl that i base on did'nt have much color variation on it
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The sides are much better now, but I think the glow in the middle is too strong now.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

When u update an icon, i suggest u to display both the old and new one, for comparison.
I don't know what u changed, but now it looks more like a knick-knack.
EDIT: So, coz the old version was better, i advise u to re-upload the version that i approved.

sorry about that, i am so lucky that i save the old version in hive 2d workshop thread, since i don't have the old file anymore. now it's reversed to the old version :)

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

At 2am with my very sleep eyes, I thought the icon was freddy when I was browsing the icon section. D:

Anyway, still cool stuff you got here.

who's freddy? :)

but thank you.