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I needed an alternative for units that used models based on the Footman model, so I made this icon. I tried to match the colour palette of the original Footman icon (except for the shoulderpad which uses an intentionally different shade of blue) to make it fit in with the other human icons as much as possible.

I use it for Mephestrial's Mounted Footman but I suppose it could fit with most units using the footman base.

Just noticed; I'm using two screens and one of them has a much paler array of tones, so it looks a bit too bright on this screen. I tried making it darker but then it appears too dark on the other screen so I just left it as-is and will fix it later after I get some comments.

Don't forget to credit if you use it, thanks! ^^


Human, Soldier, Footman, Fighter, Unit

BTNMountedFootman (Icon)

14:34, 3rd Sep 2013 enjoy: Well, people really likes this and you made changes. I am not sure if this is 50% freehand, but I would say that it is, and it's very useful. Approved.




14:34, 3rd Sep 2013
enjoy: Well, people really likes this and you made changes. I am not sure if this is 50% freehand, but I would say that it is, and it's very useful. Approved.
Level 7
Apr 21, 2011

I'm also using this one, but it's obviously not worthy of a separate upload. I'm using this one for Wandering Soul's CrossbowFootman but, again, it can be used for any footman-based unit.

P.S.: Unless a moderator & the author of the CrossbowFootman think I should upload it and link it with that model.


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Level 7
Apr 21, 2011
I like them but you cant see the weapon type on the icon.

In my maps I was thinking of adding a small symbol (horseshoe, crossbow) in the corner of the icon, or at least adding the head of a crossbow to the red one, but to keep them more versatile I decided against it. If I do eventually do that, I'll upload those as well and add them to the 1st post. (If anyone else feels like doing that, feel free to do edit them and attach them here ^^)

P.S.: thanks for the lovely comments, everyone ^^
Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
good job ! i'm glad to see that this is a freehand artwork not be made from screenshot .
and there also have many kind of footman ... foot archer , pikeman , crossbowman and footman female ...and i don't think changing icon's color or fliping the art should be suitable if they are appeared in one map .
wish u should finish this ~ anyway it's awsome .
Level 7
Apr 21, 2011
I'm a bit confused here. Did you draw this icon, or?

What about my initial post makes it so confusing? :D

I based the frame of the face on a screenshot, but if you look at any screenshot you will see that the face is far too dark, the head is too wide, the lines on the helmet are crooked and messed up, plus the shading doesn't fit an icon. I redrew the nose and eye, the shape of the helmet, the shading, changed the hue of the face to match the traditional warcraft icons, changed the textures on the helmet, and added completely new shoulder pads.

So yes I would say I did draw this icon, I put in about as much effort as I suspect Blizzard did into theirs, if not more since I didn't have their resources, tools, or skill (Blizzard unit icons are altered model screenshots with high resolution textures).

What is confusing about that?

P.S.: A lot of people seem to find these icons satisfactory, but then again, I don't have 64364234 rep points and thus I will always be subjected to 3 million types of scrutiny - which is why I don't like to share my icons here in the first place. I don't care much for elitism.
Level 23
May 19, 2008
I don't care much for your tone in your post. I am not an elitist, and I certainly do not judge icons based on a users reputation! But if your icon is made from screenshots, I just need you to provide me with the author of the models permission, that is really all there is to it.
And if you had bothered to look into it, you would know that I always take into consideration what the users think about the icon, I really didn't need you to tell me what the users think, I am perfectly capable of reading that from their comments.
I hope you feel really silly now, since your tone was really uncalled for!
Level 7
Apr 21, 2011
Woops sorry, got a bit carried away there. I only meant to post a friendly yet slightly hurt & offended post in response to your pointed non-question, but I got really into character and ended up going all offended victorian lady on everyone :< I'm sorry :D I tend to get way too paranoid and defensive (not to mention emotional) about these things like a right tit. I do apologize for lashing out on you like that, now, let's ignore the fact that I'm a twat and look at my lovely icon instead. :D

I probably used the footman model, but you're right - it might've been the crossbowman since I had imported it at the time. I still have the screenshot and the occasional WIP saved somewhere so I'll take a look and post it ASAP (on Sunday or Monday probably as I'm a bit busy atm).
Level 7
Apr 21, 2011
I've put together a compilation of my process, sorry for the delay :D


1. original screenshot
2. first details (resizing the helmet from behind, drawing a completely new shoulderpad/neck guard, highlighting the lines that I want to show on the icon, giving him a bit of a facelift & a nosejob, etc) - I then resize it to 64x64 to see how the lines show and how everything works (this was one of my first icons so obviously I saw I had LOADS more to do)

Because I was at the time planning to use this for the crossbowman model, I decided I needed to change it up a bit so I used the crossbowman front helmet cover thing - and this is the part I'm worried about. It is two bits (circled on image 3) but I can try contacting the author of that model if that's necessary.

3. crossbowman screenshot
4. picture no.2 with the new helmet cover

5. final details before resizing

6. I then resized the icon and framed it to see how the composition of everything performs, and then I decided I didn't like the crossbowman cover - but I've done so much I couldn't just erase it, so I reduced it and changed the location of where light falls on the helmet. This is also the part where I do the most details to really make an icon - and not just a framed screenshot. The bottom two icons are the final icons; I was happier with the blue one so I uploaded that one as my icon of choice, and pinned up the red one because - why not? :p

Bwoop, took me a while but here I am! Thanks for waiting ^^


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Level 23
May 19, 2008
Okay, well it looks okay with me, if you have the permission from the creator of the model. I don't know if you already provided that, but I couldn't seem to find it in the thread here at least, so could you get it, or just point me to where it is, so I can approve it? :)