• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.


This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hello! This is Lost One Attack Update 2 :)

Lost One,Broken,Draenei,Dranai,Akama

BTNLostone2 (Icon)

12:53, 13th Jan 2014 Kimbo: Sorry dude, but these icons are way too blurry/smudgy. Any chance you can update the details and make them looks more crisp, detailed and less flat? Try to avoid smudge as it tends to make things look unnatural, oily and...




12:53, 13th Jan 2014
Kimbo: Sorry dude, but these icons are way too blurry/smudgy. Any chance you can update the details and make them looks more crisp, detailed and less flat? Try to avoid smudge as it tends to make things look unnatural, oily and blurry.
I will give you afew days to update the icons. (the lostone icons)

Edit: No update/response. Rejected.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Ur 3 icons r very similar! All share some mistakes like black background and no glows. This icon could be left like that it's tier 1 weapon, but the rest must be updated with sharper edges and glows. For now, all get 2.5/5 from me and a rating of 2.
If u work on this icon too, it would be better.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I took a good look, and came to a conclusion that all three icons look like they're trimmed out of a screenshot icon, probably made within Warcraft. If I'm wrong, please show me the evidence that you drew this by your hand.

I hope you'll take a closer and deeper look at the Icon Submission rules, which, among else, state this: An icon has to be at least 75% freehanded. By that, is not included screenshots and copy paste.

Also, recolours of an icon are only approvable if they show extreme usefulness. Take a look at some of my recent icon uploads - if you have a good variation, put it within the icon, not reupload it.

Hope you'll give us another shot at drawing your icons :wink:
My regards.