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Enjoy! :)

Keywords: Ring, Frost, Ice, Icy, Icey, Frozen, Fiery, Fire, Metal, Metallic, Icon, PrinceYaser, King, Powerful, Power, Human, Hive, THW, Warcraft

BTNFireFrostRing (Icon)

The Panda
Good enough for approval.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
Well the light coming off the fire would only hit the outsides of the ring now the inner side, there would be a little light hitting the inner but not too much. so I would remove the purple from the inner and make it a darker gray and then the purple on the outer side make it light yellow from the fire.
Well the light coming off the fire would only hit the outsides of the ring now the inner side, there would be a little light hitting the inner but not too much. so I would remove the purple from the inner and make it a darker gray and then the purple on the outer side make it light yellow from the fire.


However, I think purple is better because PeeKay said me to add purple here:
well I liked the runes inside the ring, and this is why I said a more pink like tone to the shading. Now it looks kinda dull and not so epic (this is why in the end I don't listen that much to you guys -sorry-, there is a point where critics turn into straightforward directions/orders and I do not like that much)
Well, I always listen to reviewers words but sometimes I have the opposite opinion, including this one. I think the purple colors and the runes should be returned(even the blue color of gem) as you say too. It looks really monotone and boring right now, every thing is orange/yellow. However, they won't approve it if I don't listen to their reviews(No offense at all).
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The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
well I liked the runes inside the ring, and this is why I said a more pink like tone to the shading. Now it looks kinda dull and not so epic (this is why in the end I don't listen that much to you guys -sorry-, there is a point where critics turn into straightforward directions/orders and I do not like that much)
Well, I always listen to reviewers words but sometimes I have the opposite opinion, including this one. I think the purple colors and the runes should be returned(even the blue color of gem) as you say too. It looks really monotone and boring right now, every thing is orange/yellow. However, they won't approve it if I don't listen to their reviews(No offense at all).

Well first, i didnt mean the designs in the inner part of the ring i meant the thick black lines on the TOP of the ring.. they make the ring look ridged and wierd shaped. I will end my review and go on from here.
Get rid of the shading/black lines in the middle of the rings circle and just make it a solid color, it makes it look rigid and weird. After this ill see where it stands.
Well first, i didnt mean the designs in the inner part of the ring i meant the thick black lines on the TOP of the ring.. they make the ring look ridged and wierd shaped. I will end my review and go on from here.
I don't want to bother or upset you but you said "middle" of the ring and I thought you meant the inner part. You had to say "top" part. Anyways, here it is done.


The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
I don't want to bother or upset you but you said "middle" of the ring and I thought you meant the inner part. You had to say "top" part. Anyways, here it is done.


Ok see now that looks better in my oppion. But, you may change the gem color, I just said red because it will match with the redish orangish color sceme.
Icon Review

Logistic Scale

Blizzard feel

Grade: 6/10 D
Definition: The Ability of an Icon to be indistinguishable from the other icons in Warcraft III.
Note: The Icon doesn't stick out too much and fits decently

Grade: 8/10 B
Definition: The Ability of an Icon to be serve a purpose of high demand and low supply, or multiple low demand instances.
Note: The Icon features most of the borders along with the subject being an item opening an avenue to a large amount of potential implementations.
Grade: 7/10 C
Note: Use some of blizzards icons as a reference to your target for a better fit unless you are trying to keep your own take on the style and feel of things
Artistic Scale


Grade: 9/10 A
Definition: The scale of how well the Artist has utilized perspective to add depth and definition.
Note: The slightly off angle is wonderful in portrayal of the subject. nice work.

Grade: 6/10 D
Definition: The scale of how well the Artist has utilized colors, shadings, outlines, and other tools to best present the subject.
Note: I believe the fire should light up the areas it touches and cast shadows on the areas it doesn't, and I feel like the dark parts should be darker and the highlights should be sharper
Artistic Scale

Grade: 7.5/10 C+
Note: Looks decent. Nice work
Nice work! Hope to see more of your work soon.


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