Sin'dorei300: The shading is lacking, especially on the tusks, which also needs to be defined better.
The background color isn't the best.
16:36, 20th Mar 2014
Sin'dorei300: The first version was way better(though still not good), the actual one looks worse.
The shading is very important in the icon processing.
I can't teach u to make proper shading, u can improve by reading tutorials, observing and especially, practicing very much.
This icon(and all of yours)lacks shading, and pls remove the annoying white dots.
Also, the background still needs work.
17:50, 22nd May 2015
Sin'dorei300: Nice update, but it still needs some small improvement. Awaiting an update.
14:31, 8th Jun 2015
Sin'dorei300: Could be useful.