17:26, 22nd Jul 2012
Apheraz Lucent: Useful as a fitting icon.
However, there are some minor flaws that can be fixed. There's empty space in the top right corner of the icon, either enlarge the icon or move it around to cover it. In the model, he holds a lamp; making it a light source that throws light at him from bellow would be very intuitive and could look splendid. His face is rather mechanical, some shadows can do the trick of repairing that.
Apheraz Lucent: Useful as a fitting icon.
However, there are some minor flaws that can be fixed. There's empty space in the top right corner of the icon, either enlarge the icon or move it around to cover it. In the model, he holds a lamp; making it a light source that throws light at him from bellow would be very intuitive and could look splendid. His face is rather mechanical, some shadows can do the trick of repairing that.