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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: breebree123
Eh, not too pleased with this one D:

Give credits and don't modify without permission!

V1 - Released
V2 - Added more shadings, color variation.

Coffin, Vampire, Dracula, Dead, Blood, Bleed, Bleeding, Bury, Burial

BTNCoffinFull2 (Icon)

19:55, 4th Jul 2009 zombie2279: A good idea base and somewhat realistic outlines, it only needs better shading and more correct wooden looks. Some details, like cracks or missing parts would also do good. It's quite nice, besides that. 8:42, 10th...




19:55, 4th Jul 2009
zombie2279: A good idea base and somewhat realistic outlines, it only needs better shading and more correct wooden looks. Some details, like cracks or missing parts would also do good. It's quite nice, besides that.

8:42, 10th Jul 2009
zombie2279: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/1203779-post11.html

Rejected until updated.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
It looks really messy now, worse than previously. The missing parts are rather distortive, I suggest replacing them with smaller cracks, rather than completely removing parts from the coffin. The wooden look around the sides seems to be okay, and you're showing improvements in the middle aswell. The blood and the shading around the cross is messy, I think you might want to consider removing that.