Hey this is an icon i made for my bloodlet ability, completely free handed and i used CRAZY RUSSIANS technique to make this, surprisingly it's simple and easy but can get some nice results. It took me five minutes to make. This is my first attempt at CR's technique.
UPDATE: Made the blood gorier, darker, and made it "spread" a little more to the side.
UPDATE 2: Fixed the Autocast one, the border only had the yellow borders but no black fading border. It was too instant before and it standed out alot.
UPDATE 3: Added new Blade.
UPDATE 4: Blood thickened and darkened. Before it looked like tomato juice =)
UPDATE 5: Made the blood thinner. Was overdone before.
blood, let, sacrifice, emo, crush, soul, stuff, lol awesome, cool, south, park, north, rofl, poof, poofta, hi