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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Still my works. This time, it took me about 35 minutes to complete it..
I'm suck in drawing icons. Hehe!
P.S. The shining ideas goes to Praytic when I saw his/her Carving Knife icon.

Knight, Weapon, Sword, Defense, Shiny, Shining, Slayer, Dragon Slayer, FootMan, Hero.

BTNBattleSword2 (Icon)

I3lackDeath RejectedDate: 2013/Mar/17 16:51:17 Reasons:Same as with your other recent submissions. [TR]Staff Contact Submission Rules
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2013/Mar/17 16:51:17
Same as with your other recent submissions.​

Staff Contact
everyone sucked at one point - i did too and i can prove it.


1st icon (Rejectred ofc) Year: 2009
(1st icon(s) SUCK!)


closer to an approval Year: 2010
(Not everything will get approved only due to usefull)


1st approved icon Year 2009
(some icons do not take alot of work but more a good idea)


last approved icon Year 2013
(It takes time to get good and even i can get alot better)


most downloaded icon(541 total) Year: 2010
(lots of downloads needs a good drawing (not really my best side) and a good idea/usefullness)

basicly i have improved alot over the years, but don't give up.

Use the tutorials i send you and put more work into the icons.

also if you are using MS paint, i recommend you download Paint.Net (i use that) or GIMP (free photoshop-ish)
Level 8
Feb 6, 2013
Why do you laugh???

Still my works. This time, it took me about 35 minutes to complete it..
I'm suck in drawing icons. Hehe!
P.S. The shining ideas goes to Praytic when I saw his/her Carving Knife icon.
Well, I don't understand... Why do you laugh? What's so funny? :(
That icon is very easy, 35 mintures.
Please, stop uploading things that you know are of such significantly low quality and would not be used.

As I've told you before, practice until you make something that looks good enough to use. Doesn't have to be amazing, but before you upload something, think to yourself: "Would I ever use that in any sort of map, especially considering the intended purpose, and is it worth the file size?"

This will save moderators the headache of rejecting. Almost everyone has their first, sometimes second, icons rejected. But you're supposed to learn, and put more time into them, before uploading more. Don't just keep uploading these...

You need to spend at least an hour on an icon before you upload it. Very skilled artists can make them faster than that, but most people will take several hours. Anything you pump out in 2-5 minutes probably isn't good enough.
Folks, refrain from obvious trolling, please.
You are wasting my time when I have to delete troll posts in submission threads.
Thread cleared.

Everyone who's trying to enter Icon Creation, or general 2D Art, deserves constructive feedback (which several people provided - thank you for that).

As usual, I will not moderate resources until I am certain of what I want to do.
Bear with me. Once I have free time on my hands, I will try to wrap my head around this.
Level 7
May 19, 2012
Folks, refrain from obvious trolling, please.
You are wasting my time when I have to delete troll posts in submission threads.
Thread cleared.

Everyone who's trying to enter Icon Creation, or general 2D Art, deserves constructive feedback (which several people provided - thank you for that).

As usual, I will not moderate resources until I am certain of what I want to do.
Bear with me. Once I have free time on my hands, I will try to wrap my head around this.

Shut the ---- up, Girl.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
why are you raging? clearly you did not put a lot of effort into this as it took only 35 minutes

yes, everyone starts off somewhere , but this is frankly bad and i'm not gunna sugarcoat it

also, theres a forum for posting your icons for feedback to improve ( which is not here), until you can make something acceptable.

also, tli inferno was completely right
You are acting immature, by the time you upload this, you should expect that there will be harsh comments as your icon quality right now is... unaccaptable. How will people ever find a use of this icon? They could draw something like these for themselves.

Now, compare you icons to these:

Perhaps I made a harsh comparison between these and yours?

Then take a look at these:

Do your icon quality even matches ANY of these? I dont think so.

Notice the shape and shadings of the sword. Even a simple sword has a much better shape and shadings than your sword right now.
Currently, your sword look like its made out of glass. To get a metal look, the reflections do not have to be so sharp. A little variation in brightness of color used would help.

The view you have chosen is not good either ; There's nothing interesting to tell about the icon. You could try using one point perspective (search the internet if you dont know what is this) to express the sword.

But then again there's a lot of sword icons here in hive, you gotta have to show something unique if you want it to be used in maps.

I doubt you will read this rationally
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