• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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An icon requested by Sheephunter. This is a hammer of BattlePriest's model.

Hammer, Weapon, Blunt, onehanded, Magical, Battle, Priest, Battlepriest

BTNBattlePriestsHammer (Icon)

00:23, 25th May 2010 enjoy: Feel free to update it, even though it has been approved. You can improve it with a background, if the user who requested it asks you for one. (:




00:23, 25th May 2010
enjoy: Feel free to update it, even though it has been approved. You can improve it with a background, if the user who requested it asks you for one. :)
Can you post large image? I'm not curious about C'n'P, I just want to learn to draw like you :)

XD sure, Take a look in my album, I have updated it after some time and uploaded more big images. I can attach PSD if you need ^^
The hammer is 5 layers. Background (black space), blue glow, handle, hammerhead, black area on middle of hammerhead. I am in school now so I cant upload the file yet.