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bouncing effect!

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Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
how do i make a spell that when you cast the spell it will bounce from one person to another a total of XX about of times instead of hitting every unit once and then be done with it.
like if there are 2 units and i want my spell to hit a maxium of 10 times then each unit should be hit 5 times each unless one unit dies before the other!
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
u must make a dummy with model size 1 and model: none. then give it missle bounce attack,. 10 max targets, XXX area of effect and give area of effect targets. when u cast the spell let the dummy attack the target unit of ability being cast. if u want the unit to be hit by some effect give the dummy an orb of lightning based ability with another effect spell then purge (and 100% chance to hit)
Level 2
May 2, 2005
Ramza said:
u must make a dummy with model size 1 and model: none. then give it missle bounce attack,. 10 max targets, XXX area of effect and give area of effect targets. when u cast the spell let the dummy attack the target unit of ability being cast. if u want the unit to be hit by some effect give the dummy an orb of lightning based ability with another effect spell then purge (and 100% chance to hit)
Missile (Bounce) works with orb abilities?
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
yea thats the thing im trying to do right now, but it doesnt work yet. i alrdy tried changing to uniut ability and all that stuff, but it doesnt work. (not cuz of the bounce, i just can get it to work on other units to =P) it it works u can make the coolest spells ever, like chain lightnings that appear from every targeted unit
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
so basicly i make a unit that has glaive? or what? cause that only hits once too? i mean i need to see an example or you got to explain more... sorry i feel so slow right now!
Level 3
Jul 12, 2006
What about this, make a unit called "Missile", and a trigger like this:

- Event
A unit is attacked
- Conditions
Attacking unit equal to Missile
- Actions
Set AttCount = AttCount + 1
- If (All...) Then (..) Else (..)
- If - Conditions
AttCount = 10
- Then - Actions
Unit - Kill Attacking Unit
- Else - Actions
Unit - ... to Attacked Unit {Do anything you want the attacked unit to be here}

- Event
Unit - A unit casts an ability
- Conditions
(Ability being cast) equal to {that bouncing ability you want}
- Actions
Unit - Create a Missile for Owner of (Casting Unit) at (Position of Casting Unit) facing 0.00 degrees

What I want to do is to set the Missile unit to be the projectile. Be sure to change its model, and be sure it can attack.

Is this enough?
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