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Booting player system (using dialogs)

Level 5
Sep 7, 2008
Booting Player System
Using Dialogs

This is a short tutorial on how to create a pretty cool booting(kick) system using dialogs. I think it looks a little better, it's more advanced but it gives Player 1 (Red) the great opportunity to kick players with a good overview on which player to kick. Before going to this tutorial I suggest that you look into the Basics of a Dialog tutorial created by regingspeedhorn and Orc_Tamer.
The Variables:
We will be creating two variables for this tutorial.

Create a variable and name it: BootDialog and set the type as Dialog, then create a second one and name it BootDialogButton and set the type to Dialog Button. Array the Dialog Button variable with a size of 4 (or the number of players in your game).

Creating the dialog:
  • Create Dialog
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -boot as An exact match
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Dialog - Clear BootDialog
      • Dialog - Change the title of BootDialog to Boot Player(s)
      • If ((Player 2 (Blue) slot status) Equal to Is playing) then do (Dialog - Create a dialog button for BootDialog labelled (Kick + (Name of Player 2 (Blue)))) else do (Do nothing)
      • Set BootDialogButton[1] = (Last created dialog Button)
      • If ((Player 3 (Teal) slot status) Equal to Is playing) then do (Dialog - Create a dialog button for BootDialog labelled (Kick + (Name of Player 3 (Teal)))) else do (Do nothing)
      • Set BootDialogButton[2] = (Last created dialog Button)
      • If ((Player 4 (Purple) slot status) Equal to Is playing) then do (Dialog - Create a dialog button for BootDialog labelled (Kick + (Name of Player 4 (Purple)))) else do (Do nothing)
      • Set BootDialogButton[3] = (Last created dialog Button)
      • Dialog - Create a dialog button for BootDialog labelled Exit
      • Set BootDialogButton[4] = (Last created dialog Button)
      • Dialog - Show BootDialog for Player 1 (Red)
What this does is that if there is a player it creates a dialog button with the name of the player. And another button that says "Exit".

Booting the chosen player(s):
  • Boot Players
    • Events
      • Dialog - A dialog button is clicked for BootDialog
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If ((Clicked dialog button) Equal to BootDialogButton[1]) then do (Game - Defeat Player 2 (Blue) with the message: Kicked!) else do (Do nothing)
      • If ((Clicked dialog button) Equal to BootDialogButton[2]) then do (Game - Defeat Player 3 (Teal) with the message: Kicked!) else do (Do nothing)
      • If ((Clicked dialog button) Equal to BootDialogButton[3]) then do (Game - Defeat Player 4 (Purple) with the message: Kicked!) else do (Do nothing)
      • If ((Clicked dialog button) Equal to BootDialogButton[4]) then do (Dialog - Hide BootDialog for Player 1 (Red)) else do (Do nothing)
What this does is if a button is clicked the specific action will happen. Either kicking the selected player or exiting from the dialog.
And that's about it. If you have any questions you can send me a personal message and I'll try to answer your question. Thank you for viewing this tutorial!

This is what the Dialog look like in game: (with one computer playing)



  • BootPlayerTutorial by BearMan.w3x
    20 KB · Views: 47
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
It would help if it was more than a "here, have a trigger" thread - if it actually explained what it was doing as it went along, at least to an extent.

Beyond that, you really should be using a loop for your trigger (rather than a wall of individual checks), filtering computers, and so on.