Well I almost have the walk animation done, and it shouldn't take me long to get this model finished so expect sometime around this weekend, since I'll have plenty of free time.
Edit: Finished animating, exported fine. Now I'm messing with collision shapes/attachment points, should be done early tomorrow!
Update: I finished animating, got it exported, have good selection and stuff, but the problem is this:
In Warcraft 3 Viewer, the planes show up great. The ball is showing, and it billboards. It doesn't alpha it for some reason, but the skin itself is alphaed.
So I import it into Warcraft 3, and everything looks great. Bomb actually looks like he's throwing it.
But, the thing is, the planes show up black for some reason...
For testing purposes, I tried to change a hero icon to the ball.blp and it showed up as it was supposed to, alphaed and pink...
So, does anyone know what's going on??
This is the only thing keeping me from it's release.