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Blue and Green Raptors

Raptors. There a few raptor models out there, most notably Olf's and Lord_T's two raptors. None that really look like the WoW raptors though. So, I did, and am still doing, this request some time ago, and one part was to make a raptor which was a pet to a troll hunter. Well, I made one raptor from the red dragon skin and thought, "why not do the rest", so I did. Now here is all the dragon flights made into raptors, with the added bonus of an undead raptor.

Any custom texture for the dragons will replace the corresponding raptor skin. Their animations are modified from the Timber Wolf's animations. Feel free to edit or reskin to your liking, just give me some credit.

This one has the Blue and Green raptors in it. The BlueRaptor_Portrait.mdx is the Green Raptor.

raptor, world of warcraft, wow, dinosaur, velociraptor, drome, dromaesaur, velocidrome, velociprey, utah, ride, dragon, scale

Blue and Green Raptors (Model)

Blue and Green Raptors (Model)

15:20, 6th Jun 2009 shamanyouranus: Same as the others




15:20, 6th Jun 2009
shamanyouranus: Same as the others
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I hate/love you so much right now...

I've needed a good Raptor model for my Jungle Troll race for perhaps years now. I have amassed a few; namely Olof's raptor (good anims, skin is bad) and jigrael's raptor from the Great Troll War mod (great mesh and skin, but no bones or anims).

And now this shows up. Curse you with the fleas of a thousand camels.


Anyway, so thanks, in a way. As my last day using the computer, this was stellar timing. xD