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Blooming Pennisula SJ

Map made for the Hive Workshop Cup Melee Mapping Contest

Blooming Peninsula is a 116x84 melee map using the Ashenvale tileset. It is a symmetrical "horseshoe" shaped map with main bases in the bottom left and bottom right corner. Many different paths can be taken on the map to reach the opponent. The primary path is medium distance with a tavern in the middle. The secondary path is a short distance direct path to the enemy base, but it is guarded by a red creep camp. This red creep camp is led by a golem who never sleeps, contains spiders with the Ensnare ability, and has 2 sentry wards to detect invisible units. It is very difficult to try to navigate through this path without defeating the camp, even at night or with invisibility. Additional paths are available to reach a Marketplace, take additional green camps, or ambush the expansions of the opponent.

6 Gold Mines (12500)
2 Goblin Merchants
2 Mercenary Camps (Lordaeran Summer)
1 Marketplace
1 Tavern
1 Goblin Observatory

6 Green Creep Camps
9 Orange Creep Camps
2 Red Creep Camps


1. Changed the composition of nearly all creep camps. The total power level for each camp is nearly identical. Rearranged some item drops to different location.

2. Changed one of the camps to have 1 fewer tomes drop. Added some terrain features, including lowering elevation of paths to show that the soil had been walked on. Raised the terrain of certain spots very slightly to make the terrain look more natural.

3. Added decorations to places that seemed bare. This will blend the terraining between points of interest. Changed item drops on most creep camps, adding powerups on some difficult camps. Created 1% life rock barriers on the golem path, so that it's harder to accidentally rally units in, but the camp is very easy to access due to the low life doodads.

Blooming Pennisula SJ (Map)

-Creeps should generally never be placed in an area where you would walk. Put them in contained areas. -Satyr Shadowdancer has curse and is a pain to creep, should be limited to x1 Satyr per camp. -Furlbolg Shaman has rejuvenation and is a pain to...
Some quick-look feedback: - The map is flat, try using raise/lower tool to make it feel more natural. - While the terrain looks ok, try to be more playfull with it. Some areas lack tile variations (only grass + vines in the north for example) -...
So, the current version of this map is not bad, but to be honest it's not great either. Positives: -Barely any gaps between trees. -Unique layout. -Reasonable creep camps. -Interesting idea with the sentry wards. Not sure how Negatives/Questionable...
Looking at the map again, but only at the stuff you mentioned: 1-3. Good. 4. Normally not a fan of destructable rocks but here this is a good way of using them. 5. It's just a subjective matter of what you consider to look good. I personally would...
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
-Creeps should generally never be placed in an area where you would walk. Put them in contained areas.
-Satyr Shadowdancer has curse and is a pain to creep, should be limited to x1 Satyr per camp.
-Furlbolg Shaman has rejuvenation and is a pain to creep, should be limited to x1 Shaman per camp.
-Spiders has poison, which is bad for HU, use with restraint.
-Map needs more troll trappers, lockdown for creepjacking is essential.
-Pretty sure lab camp will get aggroed from other camps, put camp aggro on them.
-Goldmine + Debris is a nice visual combo, bushes are cherry on the cake.
-Lightning lizards should be used sparingly, aoe attack is bad for HU. Doesn't suit smaller 1v1 maps because they belong to a niche category of creeps.
-Change drop on safe expansion from charged 4 to charged 3 + perma 1. Charged items are very strong for their level. (Charged 3 is like a Permanent 3.5 or 4)
Level 6
Sep 26, 2019
-Creeps should generally never be placed in an area where you would walk. Put them in contained areas.
-Satyr Shadowdancer has curse and is a pain to creep, should be limited to x1 Satyr per camp.
-Furlbolg Shaman has rejuvenation and is a pain to creep, should be limited to x1 Shaman per camp.
-Spiders has poison, which is bad for HU, use with restraint.
-Map needs more troll trappers, lockdown for creepjacking is essential.
-Pretty sure lab camp will get aggroed from other camps, put camp aggro on them.
-Goldmine + Debris is a nice visual combo, bushes are cherry on the cake.
-Lightning lizards should be used sparingly, aoe attack is bad for HU. Doesn't suit smaller 1v1 maps because they belong to a niche category of creeps.
-Change drop on safe expansion from charged 4 to charged 3 + perma 1. Charged items are very strong for their level. (Charged 3 is like a Permanent 3.5 or 4)

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I've edited the map based on your suggestions, it should be more competitive now.
1. The Saytr Shadowdancers have been reduced at the Mercenary Camps. The power level is the same.
2. Shaman Furbolgs have been reduced or removed from the camps they were present in. The Red Observatory only has 1 now, and the Marketplace does not have any.
3. I couldn't resist keeping the creepy spiders with the cave doodads, so the amount of spiders on the map has been unchanged. However, I did replace a Lvl 1 Powerup drop to a Lvl 1 Permanent in the Green Spider camps. That camp has felt awkward to me and I think this will be a nice bonus for players who creep that far North. Either way, I think the camps with spiders are more optional than other camps, so Human can still use their creeping advantage elsewhere.
4. This is one that I made a lot of changes on, pretty much all camps have Ensnare now! The camp with the Lightning Lizard has been rearranged to have 2 Murloc Huntsman. The total level of the camp has been preserved, but now the Murlocs can Ensnare approaching enemies. This is ideal because the middle Gold Mines are fairly easy to interrupt given their location. The Red Observatory has been significantly reworked, in addition to reducing the number of Shaman, 2 Troll Trappers are present, which will pose a threat to air harass while creeping it. The Mercenary Camps have been reworked as well, maintaining the old power level by replacing the Shadowdancer with a trapper, among other changes. The Goblin Merchant has a Trapper, and the Outer Gold Mine has 2 Trappers now.
5. Aggro range has been reduced for the Observatory. I think all camps will not engage your forces unless you wander into their area.
6. Thanks!
7. There is only 1 Lightning Lizard at each camp now. One Lizard and one Wolf were replaced by Murloc Huntsman, keeping the power level the same but giving the creep camp more lockdown.
8. I changed most of the drops from the Gold Mines. Now the Gold Mine that dropped a Lvl 4 Charged drops a Lvl 3 Charged and 2 Lvl 1 Powerups, and the other Gold Mine drops a Lvl 3 Charged and a Lvl 2 Permanent. The Marketplace now drops a Lvl 4 Charged, which I think will add an interesting incentive to take that camp. Level 4 and Level 5 Charged items have only 1 drop on this map, making them coveted and worthy to fight over.

Once again, thanks for the feedback!
Level 21
Nov 6, 2013
Some quick-look feedback:

- The map is flat, try using raise/lower tool to make it feel more natural.
- While the terrain looks ok, try to be more playfull with it. Some areas lack tile variations (only grass + vines in the north for example)
- There are gaps in the treeline, be careful about those since some units can hide in them.
- Some creeps will attack bypassing units, that should be avoided if possible.
- Many item drops feel to be too generous.

To sum it up, the map looks and feels ok-ish but some balance and visual patch would be still welcomed.
Level 6
Sep 26, 2019
Some quick-look feedback:

- The map is flat, try using raise/lower tool to make it feel more natural.
- While the terrain looks ok, try to be more playfull with it. Some areas lack tile variations (only grass + vines in the north for example)
- There are gaps in the treeline, be careful about those since some units can hide in them.
- Some creeps will attack bypassing units, that should be avoided if possible.
- Many item drops feel to be too generous.

To sum it up, the map looks and feels ok-ish but some balance and visual patch would be still welcomed.

Thank you for the feedback! I have made some quick changes to the map based on your suggestions, just in time for the contest cutoff.

1. I made some zones higher/lower. It most notable in the shallow water, where you will be able to see some parts of the shallow water terrain rise out, including the areas with spiders and some decorations. The area with murlocs is a little lower in the water because murlocs like water. The dirt/grassy paths I lowered slightly to give the impression that the soil was trodden on to make it more compact. Areas with less traffic have been raised, giving the impression of a buildup of loam or leaves. These changes are not very dramatic so they probably won't have an influence on balance, but I think they add to the aesthetic based on your suggestions.
2. I touched up areas that looked bare to me. I tried to have each zone have a definitive terrain to make it clear what cliff level units were on/what creeps lived in a certain area. That being said, I splashed in some variety in a couple of tiles to make the terrain look less mechanical. I added in vines, lumpy grass, leaves, and rocks in small tiles where I thought it would look nice. There could always be more work done from this regard, but I made enough progress that I'm satisfied with the terrain on the map.
3. I took a quick look at most of the trees, and hopefully fixed the holes you were talking about. The gap in the trees behind the main Gold Mine I kept to incentivize drop play for ambushes. Certain units can hole up back there if dropped making it very effective for harrassment.
4. I am not sure which exact camp was referred to in this comment, so I assumed it was the Goblin Merchant. I think the creeps would engage on units walking on the dirt path en route to the 2nd Gold Mine, which is not exactly desired. To fix this, I moved the creeps back just a bit and reconfigured them to reduce accidental engagements.
5. The item drops for the 1st Expansion with the trolls felt too generous. A charged item with 2 tomes too good of a drop for that creep level. I have reduced the number of tome drops to 1, making the Orange Camp comparable to the item drops from the 1st Expansion of Terenas Stand. (It's not exact, but should feel similar).

Once again, thanks for the feedback! Changes have been made based on these suggestions


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
So, the current version of this map is not bad, but to be honest it's not great either.
-Barely any gaps between trees.
-Unique layout.
-Reasonable creep camps.
-Interesting idea with the sentry wards. Not sure how

Negatives/Questionable stuff:
-Creeps at expanions should not be on camps stance ("blue"). On the other hand, why are the creep in the southern passage not on camp stance?
-Itemdrops at shops and gold mines are stronger than they normally are, but maybe rather add a lowleve creep there instead of changing the itemdrop.
-Many creepcamps drop just one item and not the powerup that is commonly seen at brown/red camps.
-Direct path from main bases blocked by creeps, if you attack the enemy main base, your reinforcements will most likely be killed. This is probably intentional, so yeah, doesnt have to be changed.
-All those doodads near the expansions will look sily if an undead expands there.
-The spider spot in the top corners look far away, maye just move them to an area where they are easier to reach in the earlygame.
-Large parts of the map look kinda monotone.
-Some ramps near the labs/merc camps are really small. This can be annoying for 50 supply armies already.

So, if it would be just 2-3 of those negatives, I would probably approve the map. But right now, I think you could change a few (but not necessarily all) of them, and the map would benefit. Therefore map set to Awaiting update.
Level 6
Sep 26, 2019
So, the current version of this map is not bad, but to be honest it's not great either.
-Barely any gaps between trees.
-Unique layout.
-Reasonable creep camps.
-Interesting idea with the sentry wards. Not sure how

Negatives/Questionable stuff:
-Creeps at expanions should not be on camps stance ("blue"). On the other hand, why are the creep in the southern passage not on camp stance?
-Itemdrops at shops and gold mines are stronger than they normally are, but maybe rather add a lowleve creep there instead of changing the itemdrop.
-Many creepcamps drop just one item and not the powerup that is commonly seen at brown/red camps.
-Direct path from main bases blocked by creeps, if you attack the enemy main base, your reinforcements will most likely be killed. This is probably intentional, so yeah, doesnt have to be changed.
-All those doodads near the expansions will look sily if an undead expands there.
-The spider spot in the top corners look far away, maye just move them to an area where they are easier to reach in the earlygame.
-Large parts of the map look kinda monotone.
-Some ramps near the labs/merc camps are really small. This can be annoying for 50 supply armies already.

So, if it would be just 2-3 of those negatives, I would probably approve the map. But right now, I think you could change a few (but not necessarily all) of them, and the map would benefit. Therefore map set to Awaiting update.

Thank you for the reply! I have made several changes based on your suggestions.
1. All Gold Mine creeps have been set to their default aggro stance.
2. I added a Lvl 1 Satyr to the Gold Mines with Trolls. It's not much, but I think it's a step in the right direction before I do more testing.
3. I added a Lvl 2 Powerup drop to the Red Furbolgs, making this risky and powerful camp a little more worth the risk. Once again, I plan on doing testing to see if this drop feels right. The ramp to the camp is intentionally narrow to add difficulty. However, if the camp is taken, a Zepplin can be used to quickly escape. On the Merc Camps, I added a Lvl 1 Powerup.
4. Mentioned earlier, I added 1% life Rock Chunks to block this path. The Rock Chunks can easily be destroyed if a player wants to challenge the golem. If a player does not want to challenge the golem, the path should be blocked so rallied units find a different way.
5. The doodads in front of the Troll Gold Mine have been changed. The most notable change is that shrubs have been removed. This is so there isn't a lively shrub growing out of blight. In terms of the other doodads, I would like some additional feedback. Do you think all doodads must be removed or plants?
6. I moved the spiders a couple of tiles closer to the ramp. Their cave and decorations haven't moved, just the spiders. It should be easier to creep now.
7. I have made some major decoration adjustments. Many are subjective and don't affect pathing or balance, but I think they make the map look a little more alive.
8. The ramp up to the lab is intentionally small to make it a risky camp, but I am interested in making some quality of life changes. In terms of making the ramps larger, I could spare a few tiles. For the Merc Camp, I have provided 2 ramps to attack the camp, do you think I should connect them?

Thanks again for the review!


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Looking at the map again, but only at the stuff you mentioned:
1-3. Good.
4. Normally not a fan of destructable rocks but here this is a good way of using them.
5. It's just a subjective matter of what you consider to look good. I personally would generally avoid using most kinds of doodads near gold mines, but it's debatable.
6. Slightly better, but still far away.
7. It's always possible to do more in this respect, but I think the map looks good enough.
8. I would connect these maps, yes.

Also I just noticed that the green troll spot might aggro on units that want just walk past them.
In any case, the map is still quite far away from 1v1 ladder maps in many ways that affect gameplay, but I dont have any major "objective" complaints any more. Therefore map approved, but updates would still be a nice thing.