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Bloodelf Strider

Bloodelven warrior unit. Complete mesh (except the head) was made from scratch. Bones has been assigned with vertex modifier. Animation added from the demoness model.

Give credits if you use it in your campaign/map, DON'T distribute to other sites and DON'T edit without my permission.
Have fun with the model.
model version.
v 1.0: [2nd February 2010] Base version
v 2.0: [4th July 2011] Redesign
Bloodelf, Bloodelven, Guard, Guardian, Blade, copper, sword, elf

Bloodelf Strider (Model)

Bloodelf Strider (Model)

16:20, 2nd Jan 2010 DonDustin: great mesh and texture choice/wrap.




16:20, 2nd Jan 2010
DonDustin: great mesh and texture choice/wrap.
Level 2
Apr 16, 2009
Are you sure? I've removed a few animations from that model edit of mine and it lowered the size by about 100 KB's.

i know close to nothing about modeling, animation, and skinning but taking off a couple of anims off of this wont make it 11kb.

btw Frank nice models as always. i most likely wont use it seeing as how im not a BE fan but ill have it on file anyway :D
Level 1
Nov 4, 2009
Can u make pack with all yours blood elves?

There already is, though im not sure if he has added this model yet.

This model seems very similar to blood elf warrior model you did awhile back, animation and everything is the same. Maybe pick other animation for this? Mountain King animation for slashing motion instead of the stabbing?

Just a suggestion =)
There already is, though im not sure if he has added this model yet.

This model seems very similar to blood elf warrior model you did awhile back, animation and everything is the same. Maybe pick other animation for this? Mountain King animation for slashing motion instead of the stabbing?

Just a suggestion =)

Actually a very good idea.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Sir General Frank,
You are now officially THELORDOFTHEDAMNMODELS! (can read it?)..
Great job, as usual..Nothing to say, 5/5.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2010
Sunchips u said that BE have fit bodies and that hips need to be bigger but don`t u think that chest need to be a bit smaller cause he look like a body builder on your foto?And by the way GF i will use your model on my new map, will give credit cause its awesome model thank you :D
Level 1
Mar 17, 2012
+ Nice wrap
+ Great variation of some animations

- Attack - 2 and Dissipate both need more life in their animations
- I know blood elves aren't known for their fit bodies but this one almost look like a skeleton. The hips should be a little bit wider

I dont know what hes saying I thought it was great, +rep cheers this is going right into my map
Level 6
Oct 19, 2017
Wow! the details, textures,mesh,etc... ITS SO INCREDIBLE! Awesome! 5/5, Good Work General Frank! but, i'm have a question... do you used in-game textures? Example: Spell Breaker, Priest,etc? Greetings From Brazil!