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Blood Elf towers

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
These are my greater addition for Blood elf race until now :)
I always thought they needed their own towers and the vanilla ones of the bonus map are totally messed up. TEN models in one, and you can't even identify them in the world editor because they show the same Death tower look until you are playing.

I have done 1 scout tower and 3 upgrades (flame, energy and boulder), all of them are recognizable on World Editor. I advise you to use the projectile art I specify in each tower to have the better look, but it depends on you.

IMPORTANT: you must to put the REQUIRED ANIMATION NAME I specify or they won't appear in game.

KNOW ISSUE: the rocks of Boulder tower don't move in World editor, but it works perfectly in game. I think this is not important.

All models have their own birth, death and portrait animations. You need to download 16 models to have the 4 towers, I know they are many, but it what Blizzard did... sorry.

Please credit if you use.

Scout tower (Model)

Scout tower portrait (Model)

Scout tower birth (Model)

Scout tower death (Model)

Boulder tower (Model)

Boulder tower portrait (Model)

Boulder tower birth (Model)

Boulder tower death (Model)

Energy tower (Model)

Energy tower portrait (Model)

Energy tower birth (Model)

Energy tower death (Model)

Flame tower (Model)

Flame tower portrait (Model)

Flame tower birth (Model)

Flame tower death (Model)

Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Do they work the same way as Human Towers in which they have animations in which you can program them in for custom them for the Blood Elf Towers vs some Human ones I will be adding for other certain forces?

Still regardless it's great that finally the Blood Elves have their own buildings now and didn't use the Human stuff...
I always found that annoying and pointless...
Level 2
Aug 23, 2017
Great Models! Nice effects and very detailed.
But I miss one thing. The campaign has good enough Icons to use for the Energy, Bolder and Flame Tower but not for the Scout Tower.

Maybe in the future! :cute: