Blender - can't open exported MDX files from CascView

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Level 1
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there.

I'm having some trouble with exporting/importing into Blender. I re-downloaded both Blender, CascView and the MDX importer script, but it doesn't work. I believe the issue is with the export from CascView, because I had some old exports that I could open in Blender. If I tried exporting the same file (overriding the old one), the new one wouldn't open.
The error message I get is included below.

Can anyone help?

Level 1
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there. If anyone is having the same issue as me, I discovered a work-around.

I downloaded Retera's Model Studio, found the model by the menu to the right, then clicked Scripts at the top, and changed the Format Version to 1000. Now, if you click Save As an MDX, Blender will import it, and from there you can export it to FBX if you wish!

Ps: If you find yourself wanting to export a texture from Retera's model studio, you first have to click the texture in the first pop-up, then literally specify, by name, which extension you want.

So for example: calling it MyTexture won't work. It needs to be MyTextyre.png, or -blp, or whatever you want. Have a good one!
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