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Bladestorm models, someone, please?

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Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
hi guys

Umm yeah, bladestorm is a really cool spell, and would go really well on many custom maps, except for the fact that theres only a model of it for the Blademaster
anyone interested in making a bladestrom animation for the Fire Brewmaster (actually i think i've already seen one of them), Proudmoore, Arthas w/Frostmourne, and Akama?

that would be awesome if anyone did that (i'd do it myself, but i dont have a clue on how to model)

Level 5
Aug 14, 2004
Wow, its eather i just wok up or it sounds really lame that your giveing so many heros the same freeke'n spell?
a little obesessed with that spell there? you know varity is what makes some 'herp' maps, (thats what im guessing your makeing) more tolerable, and diferentuates them from the freeken massive crowd that made them.
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