Its a cinematic. In the trigger, you should find the point in time that the game turns black (the event)
For example, everytime you make your unit go through a certain gate, the screen goes black. so look for a region event.
More specifically, you will want to look for something like:
Cinematic - ((Fade out)) over (([any time])) uusing ((Black mask)) fade filter.
or something like that.
The easiest way to fix it is to fade it in at the apropriate time.
So, copy and paste the same action (changing fade out to fade in) later on in the trigger. If you don't know anything about world editor, then this could be difficult.
Also, if you cant see your interface (your unit move, attack, patrol etc. OR a cinematic border) when the screen turns black, then a fade filter isn't the problem. And if that's the case, I have no idea what is wrong with the map.
If you'd like for me to fix the map for you, id be more than happy to.
[email protected]