Black and White Terrainer Needed

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Level 3
Jul 19, 2011
Black and White

I'm going to be starting a new altered-melee map called Black and White and I need a terrainer to create a simple melee terrain.

Send me a message if your interested and I'll give the specific specs.

Level 3
Jul 19, 2011
It's going to be an 8 person melee map but with a very different gameplay style. If you are familiar with the PC game Black and White or Black and White 2, then you'll know what the map is going to be based off of. Pretty much I just need a basic eight person melee melee map terrain that is symetrical. It doesn't need any creeps, just needs to look nice.

I was thinking the entire map would be one big island, and the map would be kind of a island-forested tillset, but I'd leave much of the creative nuances to you.

Any more questions feel free to ask.
Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
It's going to be an 8 person melee map but with a very different gameplay style. If you are familiar with the PC game Black and White or Black and White 2, then you'll know what the map is going to be based off of. Pretty much I just need a basic eight person melee melee map terrain that is symetrical. It doesn't need any creeps, just needs to look nice.

I was thinking the entire map would be one big island, and the map would be kind of a island-forested tillset, but I'd leave much of the creative nuances to you.

Any more questions feel free to ask.

hmm I can make 1 in the Ashenvale Tileset the only thing I want is the idea design you want the player's locations to be at and where do you want some special NPCS to be
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