ok, it's a skin, but as i said his arms and chest are thiner...chin, nose & mouth r much smaller too....and 'bout "bad work" - it's ok, i'm not so hurtable or egosentric =).
U may do it shorter by changing his scale in world editor....(maby he's not a hobbit...)
And the last point - the model editor i using is so primitive it can only work with model points (move, rotate, scale) and can't creat new or delete old!
I want to add him a staff as an aditional...(rip it from some mage, maby...but with what? Plz, could u tell me?)
P.S. or maby it's easier to modify hus pick-axe into staff?!
P.P.S. Oh, alredy've done it! Said and done...now he's more agresive
....hmmm, imho, should add buttons on his sleaves...