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beta war 3 model import problems

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Level 5
Sep 6, 2007
i did dl of beta obsudian statue (obsudian spinx) and other models ( masked shadow hunter and necropolis worked but the others no
model editor cannot load this files, it says "cant load (file name) it dont exist!"
world edit cannot load it says " clound load file (file path) "
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Yes, Beta models need special treatment...

Convert them to .mdl using Mdlx Converter. Then open them in Notepad and change the texture paths to...

Ahem, well, if them texture is Blah.blp, the path in the beta model should be "model\Bhah.blp."

Change it to just "Blah.blp"

Do this for every texture in every model, then convert them back in .mdx (should work in both Magos and Mdlx Converter). Then when importing, remove "War3MapImported\" from all the texture paths.
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