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[Unsolved] BattleCraft X : 81% Complete Need Help

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Level 1
Jul 27, 2015
European/AMERICAN SERVER: battlecraft 001 is the current test mod

BattleCraft X
BattleCraft Zero One
BattleCraft 001

this is the 81% edited version of the new BattleCraft engine.

work on this map has been done by tourdecyBombo and Spike0010, Kenneth and I, goldendragon with help from essence.

The final legs of editing are things i need help with.
1. I am working out how to make RIGHT CLICK unit switching to eliminate the need for submenus.
2. I am having a game ending bug, which prevents heroes and terazine accumulation. the bug is as follows, every 800 terazine or so the game (through trigger or data) automatically produces a squad of burrowed units or turrets. This means u cannot accumulate enough terazine for a hero or any major combos.

I need help with both of these.
here is the thread to issue with right click menus:

here is the link to the map on hive: (wont fit so just the thread)

Here is the link to the map on sc2mapster:

so to recapp... map is at 81%
to finish the menu right click unit selection woudl bring it to 86%
to finish the terrazine bug, burrow unit issue would bring it to 89-90%
then we would have to work out the balance, mods, UI Menus, MMR and Vote options.

I do need help.

help, issue, triggers, tug of war, tug-of-war, data, mods, arcade, starcraft, starcraft 2, sc2, units, heroes, mercs, abilities, edit, admin
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