im making a map, and when someone destroys a barrel, people who havent discovered the area (all enemies) can see it, as the barrels turns normal color the reason why its a problem: barrels a colored, to show the amount of health without having to click them/mouse over them, to make stratigally things faster... is there any way to fix this? gates kind of have the same problem, if someone on a map destroys a gate, then the people who havent discovered the area can see it as well
im making a map, and when someone destroys a barrel, people who havent discovered the area (all enemies) can see it, as the barrels turns normal color the reason why its a problem: barrels a colored, to show the amount of health without having to click them/mouse over them, to make stratigally things faster... is there any way to fix this? gates kind of have the same problem, if someone on a map destroys a gate, then the people who havent discovered the area can see it as well