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barrage ability.. failure :(

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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I am trying to make a unit spurt out lasers. my problem, is that despite looking at barrage ability help pages *like on world-editor tutoriols.com*, i cant make it work and messing with it for a long time, im hopeing u guys can help me fix it. so far to me, it seems like this is a World Editor bug (that it only shoots 1 laser when it should be shooting 4).

this is what i did. i made sure it was on the unit under normal abilities. what am i doing wrong?

Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
well i just switched the projecticle to tell the difference between the regular unit fireing and the barrage fireing, and it shot the barrage projectile at the unit, but it only shot 1 and there were multiple more targets for it to shoot.

currently its targeting
ground, structure, debris, item, air, ward

which is the same targets allowed as all of my units, who can fire.

i also just tried adding "enemy" and "player units" to it, and it had no effect.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
You want it to just randomly shoot out lasers, like in Battletanks and Battleships? Ahh your using the wrong ability. THe ability you want to make your laser cannons off of is Phoenix Fire. Change the cooldown to whatever you want it, and the duration to the exact same number.
Level 3
Feb 3, 2005
currently its targeting
ground, structure, debris, item, air, ward

which is the same targets allowed as all of my units, who can fire.

i also just tried adding "enemy" and "player units" to it, and it had no effect.

have you tried unchecking debris and item and maybe ward?

note: i've tried it as "air, enemy, ground" and it works.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
ive tried just useing air enemy ground, and just enemy ground and nothing worked. will changeing the units attack type do anything? right now its on Missile (line).

i will try useing phoenix fire...

ROFL that was awsome! all of a sudden a dozen of my clone troopers just caught on fire and...well... i had alot of burnt clone troopers.

thanks alot to all of you.
Level 3
Feb 3, 2005
oh i forgot.. barrage also depends on what abilities your unit has as well (also it's attack type). some abilities aren't compatible with barrage. but i'm glad you found what you were looking for.
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