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Balance Wars 1.0 Beta F


Balance Wars 1.0 Beta F (Map)

Level 7
Apr 4, 2005
It's here! It's finally here. The one, the only, Balance Wars. The map which is already being called 5x better than Footmen Frenzy by so many people, has come to www.wc3sear.ch. Balance Wars is "Ready and set to dethrone Frenzy from its dominance in Footmen maps."

Balance Wars is a Footmen Wars-like map, although it is far different from any other. You can choose from 1/16 duos. Duos are combinations of two units (such as Footmen and Riflemen), so you work with two types of units instead of one, which greatly increases the depth. You can even select the Random Race, which allows you to use all 32 units (Every time a unit spawns, it is totally random; this is TerranUp16's exclusive algorithm). There are also 50 heroes you can choose from, and you might get lucky and get the secret random hero. Heroes are not overly strong, and actually take on a support role as opposed to a "one-man-army" role. They are still quite effective (all the custom heroes have custom spells, ranging from Nuclear Strike to Lightning Storm). Heroes will play a large role in the battle, but will not win it for you. Each race has at least 4 upgrades (Attack, Armor, Special Race-Specific, and Hero), and some, like the Necromancers and Banshees combo (who rely on the Banshees possesing enemy units, or having the Necromancers raise the dead) can also research a Skeleton Upgrade, which allows them to make the Skeletons they spawn stronger. This also greatly increases depth. The game is extremely deep, as battles are large, and it actually matters how you deploy your troops and where you place them. Letting yourself get flanked could be disastrous, but if you can manage a two or even four-pronged assault on an enemy, you will have a much greater chance of winning the battle. You can even purchase units from shops. Need some artillery? Go buy some. Need a Priest for healing? Go buy one. Need air units? Go buy them. The game offers a diverse array of unit duos, heroes, and a staggering amount of strategies, that even though I created the map and have been testing it for over 6 months, I still feel like a noob with all the possible strategies. Balance Wars will not dissapoint you.
Level 7
Apr 4, 2005
Feel free to post comments once you've played the map (preferably with at least 8-9 people). Make sure they are well-thought out, etc... though. The worst thing you can do is flame something you don't understand or don't take the time to think about it. You should be able to back-up your rating with facts, or just your general view. The one arguement I am telling you guys now not to make is: "The Heroes are too weak!" I know the heroes are weaker than in most other maps, but there is a reason. Heroes are SUPPORT, not ONE-MAN ARMIES.

Anyways, even though the rating system is dead, feel free to say 5/5 or whatever once you've met the prerequisites I've set forth.

I also will accept constructive comments, and suggestions for things to implement in later versions. I already know that I will co-release a single-player version with the 1.0 relase. I'm also considering doing a version more like Frenzy (tiers basically, not Frenzy balancing, but just creating 4-5 races and giving them each 4 tiers which will each spawn 2 differnt kinds of units; I have a few ideas on what units to start people off with, so that I can generally keep the combos intact; I would rebalance them though, of course, and might elimnate the Necs and Banshees for the Frenzy-like version, but worry not for they will always be in the original version; one of my personal favorite duos; my other fave is the Footman/Rifleman duo).
Level 2
Aug 16, 2004
Wow.... I havn't played yet but sweet god. Terran.. You have made some VERY, VERY good maps. I can only hope and prey you continue for a long while.

On an unrelated note. Did you give your Warcraftmaul: Remade map to anyone? I have a version that is v3 b1 or something. It isn't rigged, just wanted to know.
Level 7
Apr 4, 2005
The only versions of WarCraft Maul: Remade I made were the Betas and 1.0 to 1.3 (just plain 1.3). I made the mistake of not protecting 1.0, and that got turned into the rigged 2.0 map, and I also have reports of a 3.0, which is also based on the 1.0 version. All rigged, and no one bothered to take my name off... Darky my friend, this is one instance where I must say that protecting is needed. I kinda know how Duke must feel now... lol. Anyways, I'm working on WarCraft Maul: Remade Expert Edition, which is currently in a pre-alpha stage, but early tests indicate it's a real winner. It will have all new terrain and everything, and will be protected to stop noobish rigging. Anyways, that will be out in a few months I hope. I'm also going to release Wintermaul: Remade soon (the Beta A version, which won't change. There are a lot of public betas floating around, but Beta A will be the unchanging one). Anyways, don't worry, I'll be producing maps for awhile. My production rate right now is slightly slowed because I'm also working on a campaign with my clan (PMM). The campaign should be really good.